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Posts posted by SerebiiNet

  1. As for the two cameras on the top. It is for taking 3D photos. This is unprecedented on a public domain piece of technology and is likely to be amazing.

    As for resolution, VGA is nothing to scoff at. Even Microsoft's Kinect captures at 640x480

  2. Notched is a fine translation.

    It's just not an accurate English representation of what is happening there.

    "gizagiza" can be translated in more than one way.

    Look up "notch" in a dictionary.

    Ah yes, but the while the ear is jagged, its not jagged as its not closely repeated. The ear essentially has two notches on it so I call it Notched Ear

  3. You are forgetting that the site has even Wiki section, where members can make the site even better not only the administrator(s). For people who do not know what a wiki is - this is a miniature Wikipedia with all sorts of information regarding everything associated with Pokemon.

    I still like Serebii.net, but Project Pokemon is starting to seriously grow on me.

    Considering that this is a newly started site, it is doing great on my opinion.

    Wikis also have the inherant flaw of people posting false information and it staying there and people taking information from other sites without sourcing. This is my main criticism against Wikis

  4. It isn't about which site is better, it is about why his site is trustworthy. Thank you for admitting you at least stole information in the past, honesty is what people want for you. You see, you never update about things you have corrected. For example, the honey tree. You fixed that, but never updated about it. Now people don't even know it has been changed. And even though people have constantly told you a better translation for Pichu would be jagged, you don't change it. When proof is given to you, you should use it. And in the old thread, you seemed to have brought up that things slip under you and you don't notice you have the wrong info. How is it that this site always thoroughly checks their information and then uploads the right information, and you usually have wrong information and never seem to update on corrections? Doesn't it seem bad to you that a lot of people don't find your site responsible? If you can't be dedicated to your site and the info it gives thousands of people, then don't run a site. Now if you want your site to be reliable, check everything thoroughly and make sure you you don't believe what everyone tells you without supplying proof.

    Again, the Notched Ear Pichu is a viable translation and I am not changing it. Even if I were to change it, which I will not since it's viable, the name has become commonplace in the community and me changing it will do nothing.

    I do not USUALLY have wrong information and never correct it. Very rarely do errors come up on the site. It is a rarity, not a common occurance which you are making it out to be

    I am dedicated to my site, hence how I spend many hours of my increasingly rare spare time to work on it.

    As for a lot of people not finding my site responsible, that is not true. You my friend are part of a very vocal minority

    I also don't believe anything people tell me. I always check news before I post it. I never post unconfirmed details whereas other sites do (even this one posted the holding date for Explorers of Sky as the official date). I don't just believe what people tell me so kindly stop spreading that bull. My site is reliable. That is why almost 300,000 unique visitors come to it every day.

    You have a bias against me so your arguments are completely flawed and filled with lies and half truths so I would like to request that you stop

    By any chance was it this?

    It was long before then

  5. In regards to the theft stuff, that was true...however that was over 8 years ago when my site was a cacky new site. You know how sites made by young teenagers are. I cannot change that but I have not stolen since

    The event list is an area of concern, however I am thinking of many ways to completely improve it. Most errors on that list however are errors of ommission and not factual errors.

  6. They may seem minor errors to you, but you aren't the person who spent days trying to find a Munchlax in a honey tree, making me believe I had a 1% chance too. One error is to many. If you want the respect of most of these members, try making sure you have right information before putting on your site, because a minor error on your site can have a drastic affect on what a person wastes their time doing. I don't believe you are the real Serebii anyway.

    Yes there was an error. However, instead of letting me know there was an error, you just sat here and bitched about it. That isn't helpful in any sense of the word. Also, as much as you'd like to think one error is too many, everywhere has errors. Get over it.

    Well, Flootenkerp is stating a fact, i.e., its not slander if its true. As much as you think your sources are reliable, not all of them are.

    No SCV, all my sources ARE reliable

    Whether your new information is reliable has nothing to do with whether your site is popular. Maybe you had only reliable sources at some point and that made it get popular. You will continue to be popular until another site comes with more reliable information and more reliable sources and people start noticing that. By the time DP came out your site was already popular. People take what you say on faith. I would like to point at this post from pojo: http://www.pojo.biz/board/showpost.php?p=11640160&postcount=5

    Actually, the fact I have reliable sources IS why my site's popular. As I said, if I didn't, people would not give my site a second look. Yes there was an error, but as I said before, just saying "Oh there's an error" and pointlessly pointing and insulting because of it is not helpful by any sense of the word. I needed to be told there was an error, I'm not omnipresent or omnipotent afterall

    People assume you have reliable information from reliable sources and by putting blatantly false information you are doing a disservice to the community. Its much better to say "At this time we don't know how _____ works".

    It wasn't "blatantly" false anyway. It was false yes but it wasn't blatant, hence how it took 3 years for people to notice

    Now, you should take what Flootenkerp is saying as a wake up call. Not as some sort of insult. He did not say it in an insulting manner (I have seen many statements by him and trust me he put this very nicely). If someone says that not all your sources are reliable, then you have to think about who are your sources and figure out how to address the issue, so it does not continue happening. Of course, you have to ask yourself, who is saying that as well and what is their reason. But when you have a reliable source and people from his site saying that you have some unreliable sources, you should take a hint. (I consider myself a reliable source to Serebii.net :))

    That's the thing, ALL my sources ARE reliable. Flootenkerp's way of saying it was offensive and downright derogatory. This is not a wake up call by any sense of the term. One error does not equate to sources being unreliable or anything like that. Now, if half my site was wrong then yes, you'd have a point. That however, is not true and thus his statement was inaccurate and derogatory

    Don't just take it on faith that your sources are reliable.

    I don't. I know what I am doing in regards to this. I have 10 years of experience and I don't just get information from sources. Sure the Honey Tree stuff was a slipup but it's not exactly major and it is by no means a repeat occurance

    Thank you SCV. Serebii, the only reason I come here is because they don't lie to us. They tell us good information, and when they have had wrong information, they admit it. You're priority is to be popular, while this site is to give us legal events and good information. Maybe you should not only fix the errors you currently have, but should make sure to prevent similar errors in the future. And really, we don't have to point out the errors. Asking us to tell you the errors implies you don't test out or make sure of anything so you make sure its correct. If you really payed attention to what you put on the site, and if it really mattered to you, you wouldn't need us to point out the flaws. Just improve your site, and for the love of God fix that Pichu translation. It's jagged, not notched. There, I pointed out an error. Go fix the rest.

    I do not lie on my site. There may be a couple of slip ups from time to time or a database conflict causing an entry to not appear, but I DO NOT LIE.

    No, you do not have to point out the errors, but it's common courtesy to. Lets say for example you made a site and there is a slight error in it. Would you rather people just saw an error and said "There's an error and I'm not going to tell you but will forever insult your site because of it" or would you rather they tell you the error. So yes, with that in mind, I would prefer people tell me there's an error.

    As said, even the most devout checker cannot grab every single error. Nobody is perfect and sometimes things happen, even unintentional things such as database indexing issues which are not exactly my fault. It does matter to me, but I cannot check every single page of a 10 GigaByte website and you couldn't either. I check everything I put up, but humans make errors, sometimes things slip through and that cannot be helped. I will be sure to point back to this day when PP inadvertantly posts an error.

    Oh, and Notched Ear Pichu is a viable translation of ギザみみピチュー which translated to Gizamimi Pichu. Both Notched and Jagged are viable and accurate and like many Japanese translations, there is rarely one exact translation. My translation of it was from the long serving Japanese translator of Serebii.net, Coronis. Other translators on various sites including Bulbapedia also came to this conclusion and they wouldn't just copy my stuff without checking it.

    The only errors I can think of are outdated infromation for some of the video games (MD Explorers of the Sky hasn't been released yet aquording to your site), and the dis-ability to right-click and select with the cursor, which I found a way around, and I can even put it up for download!

    Those things are minor "errors" (although as they do not actually give information which is inaccurate) and are on my to-do list. However, newer things keep bumping my to-do list. Rest assured, those minor oversights shall be sorted. As for the disability to right click, thats intentional.

  7. They have some wrong information. We get our information from reliable sources

    This sort of statement is part of the problem. By saying that, you are inferring that my site does not utilise reliable sources, which we most certainly do, that is how my site became the most popular one. If I didn't have reliable sources and reliable information, people would not go to my site.

    Yes there may be a couple of errors here and there, but if you point them out, I'll fix it. Just moaning that there are errors is not what can be called as helpful.

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