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Posts posted by guitargod120

  1. Yeah, I never promised simple and easy. Actually I explicitly said, this is beta software the main purpose at this point is to figure out how things work exactly. Eventually there will be something easier. The reason I am releasing right now, instead of having a private beta is that there might be people who are skilled enough to understand things at this point that I don't know about and I don't want to prevent them from advancing.

    Whatever, ill go use a windows computer and see if i like the program. Thanks anyway for the... well i guess you could call it help even though i'm not smart enough to use it. Thanks SCV.

  2. You have to install PyQt using the instructions on the PyQt website. This is because ppre.pyw uses PyQt modules which need to have been installed. There is something called py2app which someone can try to use to make an app like I made an exe. Unfortunately I don't have a mac, so I cannot do it.

    Try reading this: http://kdl.nobugware.com/post/2008/06/05/PyQt-4-on-Mac-Os-X/



    http://aralbalkan.com/1675 (Even if you won't be trying to use py2app)

    What the freaking crap? This is not simple and easy at all. Thank you SCV, but PPRE is just too complicated.

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