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Posts posted by wonnabehero

  1. I would like to see a pokemon on the Wii, not like BR but like the pokemon games on the hand helds but in 3D obviously lol. They proved it can be done by doing somthing similer on the Game Cube. I think that would be a very popular game, they could even make it so you could link up to the DS like with BR.

  2. I have been trying to make a legal smeargle so i can use it on pokemon battle revolution but when ever i put it in the legality checjer it says its a hacked pokemon, i think its because i dont know what to do with the IVs or EVs or the stats in general but i keep trying and still i dont know whats wrong, if some one could help me out and tell me smeagles base stats with the brave nature that might help or if some one is willing to make me a smeagle that would be cool aswell, any way please help.

    also, how do i make the spoiler parts in my posts?

  3. Is there gunna be a UK version of the pokesav HG/SS because I'm using the US one and I change the ID code to work for the UK games but I can't seem to get the pokemon part to work. I can change my name and trainer ID though but I would like to have better pokemon lol

  4. i cant get my pokesav platinum to work with my copy of platinum, my pearl one works for pearl. i have the uk version of pokemon platinum so i have to change the game code and the only change i can make in game is to my name and trainer ID, i tryed making a team of pokemon but they all came out as bad eggs and the items didnt work at all.

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