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Posts posted by jackofspadesman

  1. Hey guys, as you can see in the picture below, some special characters are repeated twice and fail to display in Sun and Moon for some reason. Not only that, but certain mons with said characters sometimes can't be traded! I was wondering what the reason was behind having two sets of some characters as well as why they don't display as well as how it may be streamlined such that the right chars are chosen if it's even necessary to have both sets.


    Thanks a lot!

  2. I just have one question. I'm trying to create a pokemon and I'm searching for a PID. When I search it just says "Not Active." I think this is because the generator cannot find a PID for these stats. Shouldn't there always be an existing PID???

  3. You have to edit the Hex Values in HGSS and set the place to 3002 (Farawayplace)

    ok so i was wondering... I put in the hex to 46h (where it was hatched) as 53 (which is Goldenrod City) and it comes up as Faraway Place... is there away I can make it say goldenrod city when in HG/SS?

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