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Autistic Lucario

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Posts posted by Autistic Lucario

  1. Hello. Welcome to the sinking ship called Project Pokemon. And you write fiction? That is pretty cool. I used to try writing stuff but eventually I just stopped when real life got in my way.

    I never heard of Asperger's Syndrome, but is it in any way related to autism (I'm just making a guess by your username)? I guess I'll have to look it up. :/

    Asperger's Syndrome is referred to as "autism's cousin" in a book I read once. It's basically a different type of it. The creator of Pokemon has it.

    I do write fiction, although I like reading non-fiction. My Pokemon stories give the Poke-powers a rest and focus on brainpower and teamwork. There's a new story I've been brainstorming that's like a cross between a fantasy story and MacGyver. The "MacGyver" of the story is a Buizel who can't use Poke-powers (Aqua Jet for example).

  2. Usually when I try to register on a forum, I usually get some sort of registration crisis. Guess I was lucky this time.

    Anyway, I'm Autistic Lucario, and in real life, I have Asperger's Syndrome. Currently, I'm working on beginning a career as a fiction writer. If you've heard of my first fanfiction, "Lucario and the 10 Ordeals," I'm the author. I say this because it's popped up on the google suggestions list.

    google suggestion.PNG

    I'm usually friendly, although I have some emotional problems. I try to control it the best I can. I can be a loyal friend or a severe and unforgiving person, depending on how you treat me.

    My biggest worry on this site is having conflicts with the mods. Say for example, my thread gets locked and I feel no justification has been given. Then I get mad, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Once you guys get to know me, you'll know that I have good intentions behind such an occurrence, although at first it may seem like I'm looking for trouble.

    I hope I'm welcome here. :)


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