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Posts posted by DannyB01

  1. Bond really knows his stuff here. Basically though whether they could or couldn't be shiny isn't even the issue here for you from what I've read. No one's ever appeared with a credible legal one and effectively they don't exist, so just don't trade for them as 100% of the time you'll be getting a hack. If someone had to give an official verdict on whether there are any legit shiny versions of these events in existence, the only sensible response would be that there aren't.

    Wouldn't be all that surprised if CHANNEL can be shiny though based on pure speculation. I suppose theoretically someone might spend hours and hours repeating the game to get Jirachis until they get a shiny one, IF it's possible, but I doubt that's ever going to happen. I really don't believe any of the stories about shiny 10 ANIV though, but I think Bond makes an excellent point as to why theoretically it should be possible.

  2. Just managed to get this working, I'd given up with the sgm file because I just couldn't work out how to use it, but the sav worked (thanks Pingouin7). This is a really sweet upload GU! It just makes me more confused how PCNYa/b/c/d OTs were set though, does anyone know? I guess it may be different on GBC compared to GBA, I noticed that some Celebi IDs went past 01000 so it probably is.

  3. Guested I do not believe there were any weekends missing from the Shin Se Gae Manaphy distribution, the dates I have for it include March 26th/27th, and April 2nd/3rd also. Where did you hear that those were the dates from?

    Also, there are two Korean raikous - 09180 and 12160. Currently you are still missing 12160 from your collection so you may want to update the list.

    Edit: Yeah I was right about the manaphy dates, I just got sent a shot of the website, unfortunately the link is now dead so I can't link it. But if you need proof I'll find a way to send the picture in PM or something.

  4. I have the .pkm files of most of the latest korean events if you need them but unfortunately not the wondercards. I'm just missing the latest manaphy and a the 12160 raikou/entei, but I have all the others. Would you like them?

    By the way, I've not been able to get proof of the faraway island mew having shiny prevention from the legitimate event. All I know is that this information comes from Yamipoli so I assume there's some ground behind it, perhaps someone here can look into it.

  5. Sabresite did you know anything about this old sea map thing I mentioned? It's not exactly an unknown subject and I'm surprised Pingouin7 hasn't heard of it. It'd be nice if i could provide proof but I can't, I'm just going on what reliable people have told me. I will try to raise the issue though with people who can help.

  6. I can't remember exactly who did the research, I think Gold Ursaring may have looked into it, I guess I could bring back up an old conversation about it but I don't really doubt the research anyway.

    While battle videos have some sort of legal checking go on, it's not very sophisticated and I doubt it'd stop you putting up a video with a shiny mew in it, because i think hadou mew could be shiny so they wouldn't necessarily just block all shiny mews.

  7. @Pingouin7 - well yeah I'm not saying the mew already had the coding in-game to be prevented from being shiny. By looking at a GBA save with an original old sea map from the actual event, it seems that the map was distributed with a bunch of extra code disabling the mew from being shiny. I'm not saying the item itself prevents the mew from being shiny. And RNG abusing a shiny mew from an old sea map that was hacked into the game doesn't count as proof, what other proof have you seen?

  8. Hmm that is a possibility actuallly, I think both were wireless distributions and so should only have been available to FR/LG. PCNY Wish certainly was wireless, and I expect as the PCJP04 were practically an equivalent it'd be the same, actually I'm looking over old conversations and I've been told that PCJP04 and PCNY Wish use identical algorithms and were both FR/LG only due to being wireless. The person who told me all that actually claims that they can only be ABDE. I'm going to send you a batch of files now you may find useful. If I get permission i may be able to send another PCJP03 set but I'm not sure. Unfortunately I don't for the moment have any wish i can send you, but considering they should use the same algorithm as PCJP04 I hope that's ok.

  9. Ah I guess I missed your point, in fact i understand a bit better now. I think either the 61035 ralts has either been edited for ID/SID/OT in gen 3 and then pal parked or it's just been modified and run through trash.exe or something. I do, however, believe that there are legit 56452 sets as i've got pokebox/pcjp/pokepark sets and they all look good to me and are from a reliable source.

    I am currently trying to get my friend to pal park some wish from his gba sav just for the purposes of working out what the PID type is, I haven't ever seen BACD which people consider legit and I'm sceptical of it. The most reliable Wish I've ever seen have been ABDE, but I guess you can't just take my word for it. Unfortunately the person I know with the most legit WISH gba saves is away right now, however I'm trying to contact him anyway. We'd already discussed the PID type of wish before and some things he said made me think they can't even be ABCD which is what many people think is possible right now, and i know it's still considered a possibility. Hopefully more people who know lots more will start speaking up soon!

  10. Cool I'm back, I think that your post with the two legal shots actually is wrong. If you look at the 56452 Ralts, it has invalid trash is because it is HGSS pal park (check 86h HH = 04) - I'm pretty sure there's no reason to think it's hacked from the screenshot you've uploaded. I'm not sure where you got the other ralts from, but it looks like it must be an edit. I'm pretty confident the 56452 set is legit because I know the source. Unfortunately it's somehow been spread around so only the pokepark05 56452s are rare any more.

    I'll ask the people i know about their PCNY Wish for you, though all the ones I've heard of are ABDE and definitely not BACD - and that's not from judging any of the ones in circulation right now. I'm not sure how to send events to you, as I can send you a PCJP04 batch of files I'd rather was only used for research purposes if that's ok. With a little luck I can get my friend to extract a bunch of pokebox from her actual pokebox game in time for this for research, but I'm not sure if she's still playing it. Otherwise I have a bunch of pokebox that appear legit and are shiny which sound like they could be of some use.

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