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Posts posted by soldiviner

  1. So if that's the case, does this imply all Pokemon whose names are as long as (or longer than) 9 characters will have their PalPark country as "indeterminate"? If that is indeed the case, then thanks alot, BananaMan14, you really helped.

    With that said, does that mean this Metagross is perfectly "legal"?

  2. As the name implies, my Metagross's PalPark country is labeled as "Indeterminate". I tried using the Trash Bytes program and other stuff, but nothing seems to change it. Would someone kindly see what's wrong with it and hopefully fix the problem for me? I'd appreciate it. ^-^'



  3. Well, with no sample to work off of, there's no way to see what's wrong with said Smeargle. A number of things could be wrong: maybe you gave it more than 510 EVs in total, maybe it has an ability it's not suppose to have, maybe the IVs and Nature you gave it doesn't correspond with its PID (Personality Value). Those are but a few examples I can think of.

  4. Is this true as far as ability 1 and 2? because Smogon's order is different from everyone elses. I've been using Bulbapedia, the Pokedex on this forum. Does anyone know for sure which site has the accurate order for these abilities????

    Wow, come to think of it, that's a very good question. I assumed Smogon was accurate, but now that you ask, I'm beginning to doubt Smogon until a clear-cut answer arises.

  5. If you're unable to get a legit shiny to your liking because of your ID/SID, then you can always change said ID/SID (and name, if you wish) and make it look as if it was migrated... or traded, if it's a Gen IV-exclusive Pokémon

    I hope that helps. If not, then this post has been an absolute FAIL on my part. xD

  6. Thanks alot. I got the shiny problem figured out. What's left now, is to find a proper IV combo to get a proper PID without compromising her Hidden Power. I think I can manage that on my own though. Thanks alot, CNash, you've helped me a whole lot.

    By the way, what Type does xD use? Type 1 or Type 2? Does it even matter for those Gamecube games? I never figured that out. X_x

    Also, what's with the "Common GBA", "Very Rare GBA" and such, and will it be legal for a Pokemon from xD to have that kind of label?

    I've also uploaded an updated file of my Roserade - I still have CNash's fixed file as backup/reference. Would anyone care to see if this is any better or worse? It says "Common GBA <A-B-C-D>". Would that be fine or illegal? And what does the "<A-B-C-D>" part mean exactly. I know I'm asking alot, but as they say, "the more you ask, the more you learn, and the more you can manage on your own". I dunno if that's an actual saying, but still. xD



  7. Another question. I set this Roserade to have Natural Cure. When viewed in the Legal Checker, it says Ability 2. What exactly does Ability 1 and 2 mean? Does it matter? If so, what should I do? And the last thing; can someone check to see if it's legally possible to have this Roserade as a Shiny? I know I may be asking much, but I just can't figure out how to get it right. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it. If you need to mod the ID/SID, then go right ahead. If it's impossible for a Pokemon from Pokemon xD to be shiny, then simply say so and I'll be content. ^-^

  8. Thank you so much! I guess I did a better job than I thought my first time (though I did carefully spend a day and a half on it. lol). As for the Contest stats, I had planned to give it Poffins in-game to fix that, as I want said stats to look legit. Still, if you modified my Roserade's Contest stats to a "legal" amount whilst giving it maximum sheen, I appreciate that nonetheless. Again, thanks so much. X3

  9. Hello there. I'm new to the whole Project Pokemon community. So far, I really like the site. I've been here a couple of times before and decided to register. Other than that, not much else. Oh, and I'm still working on getting an avatar/pic up at some point or another. xD

  10. Well, what we do know is that getting to the Isshu region from Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, or Hoen requires a plane or ship, meaning that it could be based off a foreign country. Also, by the images seen, it appears the scale of the isshu region (based on Hiun City alone) could potentially dwarf any of the previous regions. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see as more info is revealed. X3

  11. I can imagine the Grass starter evolving into a cool-looking viper (it is a Grass Snake afterall). The Fire starter I can see evolving into a hellish flame boar (assuming it does, it'd be my starter of choice). The Water starter... well, it's an otter. What the hell could an otter evolve into; a bigger otter? A polar bear? Who knows?

    As for Zorua/Zoroark, I'm really awaiting more details on its Illusion Ability. If it works the way I think it does, then it could very well be borderline broken... or just plain broken, and thus be placed in the OU tier.

  12. Normally, I'd say Black, as the color happens to be one of my favorites... but I've decided to go a different route and go with White. This can very well change if they have version-exclusive legendaries (which it may very well have), and the one for Black looks cooler. A good example was Diamond/Pearl: I wanted Pearl initially, and thought Palkia looked cool. However, when I saw that Dialga was a Steel-Type, I changed my mind and got Diamond, since Steel's my favorite type (Psychic coming in second). xD

  13. They all look rather stupid, in my opinion. In past generations, I could look at the first stages of the starters and know which one of them I'd want to go with. This time, none of them look like I'd want to even touch them. I guess I'll just have to see their final evolutions and make my decision based on that. For my prediction, though, I'd probably go with the fire pig... assuming it fully evolves into a huge, badass-looking flame boar! Yeah, I'll have one on my team, regardless of whether it sucks or not in battle and nickname it "Ganondorf". xD

  14. Hello. As you can imagine, I'm completely new to this whole thing. I'm still learning through reading other threads and FAQs here, as well as through trial and error on how Pokesav works and how to go about the IV/PID and Trash Bytes, etc.. I've just created my first Pokemon; a Roserade. I tried to get a legit shiny Roserade, but that seemed nigh impossible for me... or at least too difficult, so I decided to forgo the shininess. I then used the legality checker, but I don't know what the info's saying. I noticed it also said "PalPark Country: Japan". Is there something wrong? If not, can this Pokemon be viewed as "legal" regardless? If there is something wrong, will someone help me with tips on how to fix said problems? I would very much appreciate it.

    EDIT: I used the Trash Bytes thing, and it seemed to fix the "Japan" problem. Either way, I would appreciate if someone could check my Roserade and see if it's "perfectly legal" or not. If possible, could someone also fix any flaws this Roserade may have? :3



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