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About Reina

  • Birthday 03/22/1996
  1. I looked into it and it turns out Skype was interfering, however now I have another issue. I have everything set up, and people input my IP as the thing to connect to and my server makes it seem like it's working, like says its connecting the IP of the requester is being directed to a certain fake URL or something along those lines, but everyone says they got a connection error that says they just can't connect.
  2. Hey, I've been trying to figure this out for several days now. I've put hours into this trying to figure out the problem here... This includes googling solutions, testing with friends, and reading through all the threads I could find. I'm trying to be able to distribute my pokemon to others, I know the basic drill. I've tried many methods. Firstly I tried the GTS nuker, I port forwarded the proper ports, I ran the DNS server, put in my IP, that worked fine. But then when I tried to drag the .pkm file, the window closed quickly after sending a message; I quickly screenshotted it and it said "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden". I looked up that on google, and I forget what exactly I tried but I couldn't find a solution at google. I tried the thing that "auto DNS'd" it, where you just opened it and it made the DNS server and I had the same problem- the cmd window would pop up and quickly close if I dragged the file. If I tried to open it up and type in the file name as soon as I hit enter it'd close. I tried this with many .pkm files, it was ALL the files, not just one in specific. Anyone able to help me out here? I appreciate all the hard work :]
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