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Killa kid

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About Killa kid

  • Birthday 03/27/1992
  1. Well this isn't completly true mixed secptile is amazing he can run an sd hp fire secptile with eq dragon claw and hp fire only thing he miss out on is a little stabb or just all out jolly since he has infernape for steel checking anyway so it would be sword dance, dragon claw, leaf blade/ x-siczzor, earthquake
  2. Depends on what you want him for dragon dancer/ mixed attacker/ or bulky dragon dance pick and I'll give you a nature and a set
  3. Don't use brave it lowers speed bro you umm. And I don't think dusknor not being a set will be wisping anything successfully as most people predict wisp and you can't efford to give away a free swich as your duskinors only bulk Is in the form of hp evs you need to strike and do it fast you can't afford to be wildly wisping and risking giving off flash fires but if you'd like go for it
  4. why in the heck are you running so many life orbs here you are hurting yourself corrections and commentens in bold aerodactyl@focus sash jolly pressure 6 hp 252 atk 252 speed stealth rock taunt earhtquake stone edge stone edge more damage better 30% flinch isnt worth it raikou@leftovers timid pressure 6 hp 252 speed 252 sp atk thunder bolt shadow ball hidden power ice calm mind why would you put a life orb on a bulky calm mind pokemon he will be taking hits and life orb just waste all the effort you put into getting those CM's up especially if you are in sand you are losing 16% an attack and 6% a calm mind so you aren't helping anyone here dusknoir@leftovers adamant pressure 252 hp 252 atk 6 def gravity dynamic punch ice punch shadow punch/Earthquake/shadow sneak if we are gonna run adamant dusknior with gravity that is fine but make lets make sure bases are covered Gravity dnyamicpunch is good. but shadow punch i think Shadow sneak is better because you dont have to take unneeded damage plus you can rock lucarios who have a sd up and are on thier last leg and EQ hits grounded zapdos when the gravity gets turned up so yea once again he is better off with leftovers. and he needs ice punch for dragons infernape@life orb jolly blaze 6 hp 252 atk 252 speed stone edge close combat earthquake flare blitz just another sweeper run adamant or jolly here sice you have no special attacks gyarados@leftovers adamant intimidate hp 156 atk 72 def 96 speed 184 dragon dance sub waterfall bounce dont run taunt unless it's a lead weavile@life orb jolly pressure 6 hp 252 atk 252 speed swords dance night slash low kick ice punch helps to defeat dragons hp evs are a waste he isnt bulky so just run max speed it helps way more
  5. VGC 2010 I'm going to be there also I'm going down in Pheonix *sigh* I have to fly from omaha down there but I'll tell you now none of these pokes are any good in terms of VGC they simply can not function in a doubles battle format they cant work together and don't have the power to work apart not to mention you can use 2 Ubers bro so you should honestly take advantage my team will consist of ambipom mewtwo dailga I may take him out and run lugia with calm mind then run my other pokemon with psych up and copy lugias SPdef and Spatk boost latios(he isnt considered uber in this tourny) subs bronzong dusknoir/ gengar here are the rules these may help you build a better team POKEMON VGC 2010 RULES: 1. Double Battle 2. 4 pokemon in a battle 3. Pokemon lv. 1 through lv 100 are allowed (!) 4. If the pokemon are above lv. 50, the game will auto level them down to lv. 50 for the battle. Moves will stay intact during the auto leveling. If a pokemon is under lv. 50, no change is made. 5. No two of the same pokemon can be used (species clause) 6. Item Clause is on, Soul Dew is banned. 7. BANNED POKEMON ARE AS FOLLOWS: Mew Celebi Jirachi Deoxys (all forms) phione Manaphy Darkrai Shaymin Arceus 8. You may use UP TO TWO UBERS PER TEAM(probably means Team Sheet as well). This means that you cannot have a team like Kyogre/Palkia/Dialga/Mewtwo. Ubers are considered to be: Mewtwo Lugia Ho-oh Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Dialga Palkia Giratina 9. Any other pokemon may be used (this includes Tyranitar and all Rotom forms!) If you'd like you can pm me and we can work you out a team, and if you need any pokemon for it i will be able to help there as I'm a breeder
  6. Dude your reasons weren't over looked you just didn't provide me with good reasons. and you said and I quote I bolded the most important part. So yeah you never gave a good reason you were saying it didn't work for me so i don't expect it to work for you either. And you reccomended a wall or a mixed attacker to go in in place of my pure special attacker which i tried nidoking because i love that guy he is one of my favorites but he is to slow to keep up as a mixed attacker only time he even made a diffrence is when running super fang. I picked toxicroak because it is stronger, faster, and it can set up only thing nidoking has is bulk over toxicroak. So don't make me seem like I'm stupid or a jerk. I said nothing negative about you and never meant to offend you or anyone here i'm just saying some people here don't go off what's best for the team they just to HUMMM what would i like to see here instead of HUMMM what should be placed here to make it better. That's what team rating is all about helping that persons team become the best it can be regardless of how we feel about their pokemon selection. just yesterday I rated a team that made me pissed off inside this guy had every regi plus raikou on his team and the other 2 pokemon were mespirit and tauros 5 ledgends on a UU team but i rated it and helped him fix it up anyway so we arent in this for us......Well I guess we are I know i am anyway. I rate teams so i can fix them up so i can have tougher opponents to battle as well as so the person i'm helping can have a true fighting chance
  7. Randomspot not to bust your bubble but rhyperior is a damn good physical wall if he has an impish nature or a neutral nature with def evs fun fact no attacker can ohko him without setting up first thanks to solid rock even a gyarados waterfall fail to ohko it. That means rhyperior 1 you 0 and with ss up and some spdef evs he can even take certian pokemon surfs, ice beams, and focus blast. Rhyperior 2 you 0 solid rock does alot for this guy so don't put the kid down unless you know what your saying is 100% right. and one more thing since you want to pick on him no wall has status all status immunities because all are hit by stun spore so paralyzation is open to em all damn rhyperior 3 you 0. And FYI he resist thunder wave he's ground or did you forget 4-0 rhyperior clean sweep o and one more thing an impish rhyperior can take a siczor life orb sd bullet punch so how is that for a wall? so until you do your homework on your UU's you shouldn't criticize others choices beside picking on the new kid is low anyway he is learning. Correct him don't be a jerk about it
  8. Yeah but as previosly stated don't rate teams because of biases you are helping no one if you don't like the typing that's fine but don't rate a team based of that we are here to help one another not try and shape each others teams based upon what we like
  9. You can't be bias when rating a team dude that helps no one I had to tell t-bird the same thing about docking my uu team because it had toxicroak. It's about what's best for the team not what you like best dude
  10. Umm when and where did you lose your mind and how can I help you find it?(just kidding don't get offended) He is a great wall has access to curse so damage is never a problem he can get fire punch siczor no problem iron head t-tar dead and plus he can s-toss 100 damage guarenteed. Dude I understand full and well that just because a wall is unbreakable doesn't make it good dude but registeel has many options a great move pool and solid defences split you really need to review pokemon's movepools before you say something can't do damage. Or use the pokemon before you judge it because you have 0 experience with it out side of the battles where an opponent uses it or maybe a video you watch is how you come across with these bold unfounded statement. Dude that water statement you made is very untrue while most water types are bulky and can be walls most are transitiong to tanking vappy is a spatker, swapert can do both physical and special tanking, lapras, gyarados, poliwrath, milotic, suicune I mean gliscor is a good wall base stat wise but his typing is horrible for it's teir hp ice ape runs wild, ice punch or hp ice lucario, ice punch metagross, hp ice raikou, hp ice magnezone I mean everything runs hp ice thanks to the dragons up there he'll t-boah kills it with ice beam. And when you say roast half the damage you mean the quad damage and just doubles it either way it's still probably gonna die from the special attack
  11. ok if you understand how it was posted and what was meant by it then yeah you would get why i responded so negatively. and Wraith gave absolutely no advice what so ever just posted calculations that says nothing that benefits me and my team in no way what so ever and bro you need to understand how a mono type team needs to function. You have to truly understand the mechanics of battling with a mono type team before you rate one. and please understand this is not to be rude but honestly people who haven't made a monotype team have not seen one or been coached on how to make one should rate it. That's like an OU player rating a little cup team. so I need you to give reasons why this is a 6/10 as from mono type players I've received nothing but praise this team may actually make smogons hall of fame:) so please be specific
  12. I was getting ready for a mono type tournament Earthworm was holding and I needed to test out my team however i didn't want to ask anyone for a mono type battle because they would more than likely be someone competing in the tournament and i do not want to end up being counter teamed so I decided lets just ladder instead. I hit find match and about 3 second later I got myself a battle against one Satos3047. This battle was pretty epic so lets get to it:) Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause battle will be in bold score will be in red my comments will be in blue health in green leftovers and weather damage will be included in this battle killa kid sent out Alpha (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?). Satos3047 sent out Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?). Alpha is exerting its pressure! now i knew that my opponent would love to start getting up some rocks spikes and other dangerous entry hazards however I also knew that any good player would be predicting the taunt and he would either attack me or switch out to something that is pure attacking anyway. however I wouldn't mind the second move so much it's more so the entry hazards i don't care for so i do what any aerodactyl user would do in a Aero VS. skarm situation --- Satos3047 switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie). Alpha used Taunt. Starmie fell for the taunt! Alpha:(100%) starmie:(100%) score: 6-6 (tied) Well at least I scared away the the hazard tossing bird for now. however now i have another threat on my hands in the form of starime. Even though i have the option of getting sandstorm up and severly weakening the damage taken from water moves still nothing likes being hit by SE anything. Lucky for me I don't have to give away any free attacks because The Alpha dog/bird/dinosaur thing is always prepared for situations like these --- Alpha used Crunch. It's super effective! Starmie lost 69% of its health. Starmie's defence was lowered. Starmie used Surf. It's super effective! Alpha lost 100% of its health. Alpha hung on using its Focus Sash! Starmie lost 10% of its health. alpha: (1%) starime:(21%) Score: 6-6 (tied) Ahh the good old fashion life orb starime. I wonder why no one uses it anymore it is a great pokemon it's very effective does a lot of damage very fast and doesn't have virtually any problems as it heals it's own status through natural cure and can recover hp through well recover. but enough admiring my opponents team back to work. This next turn I honestly have no idea what the heck was going through my mind at the time.lol I am just thankful that this next move didn't have to many consequences --- killa kid switched in Omega (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?). Omega's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! A sandstorm brewed! Starmie used Surf. It's super effective! Omega lost 73% of its health. Starmie lost 10% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Starmie is buffetted by the sandstorm! Starmie lost 6% of its health. Omega(27%) starime(5%) score:6-6 (tied) yeah that was a dumb move on my part I knew t-tar could take the surf but as i said before nothing really wants to. Now while there were some casualties to be suffered there is 1 very good actually great thing that came of this idiotic decision of mine and that is.... the sandstorm being rock types all of my pokemon are guaranteed the sp.def boost needed to take on special attackers and wall them to hell and back which is just what i plan to do to this starime. With my favorite pokemon on this team:) --- killa kid switched in Gum drop (lvl 100 Cradily ?). Starmie used Surf. Gum drop lost 22% of its health. Starmie lost 5% of its health. Satos3047's Starmie fainted. The sandstorm rages. Gum drop's leftovers restored its health a little! Gum drop restored 6% of its health. gum drop (84%) starime: (fainted) Score:6-5(Killa kid) yeah you know him you love him it's gum drop the shiny cradily he is the most amazing wall ever I can even out stall a blissey with this pokemon can you believe it:) i've done it about 10 times now and it never gets old even aromablissy can't stop from being taken down by this absolutely adorable plant thing:) I feel very confident in leaving the little guy in he can take on any special attackers coming his way and if my opponent decides to get physical I have my regirock and rhyperior just waiting in the wings to take them down as well --- Boingo has entered the room. Satos3047 switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?). killa kid: lol this mono type team is so damn fun well what can I say this team is an absolute joy to use and I don't mind letting my opponents know how i feel. My opponent sent in a Froslass which didn't really worry me because Gum drop is just a spdef god in the sandstorm and should be able to 2 of these without begin ko'd at it's current hp level so I proceed to try to tear down my opponents froslass with my Gum drop --- Froslass used Ice Beam. It's super effective! Gum drop lost 42% of its health. Gum drop used Hidden Power. It's super effective! Froslass lost 41% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Froslass is buffetted by the sandstorm! Froslass lost 6% of its health. Gum drop's leftovers restored its health a little! Gum drop restored 6% of its health. gum drop: (48%) froslass: (53%) 6-5( killa kid) wow froslass did a bit more than i expected leading my to believe it was choice specs and after I ran damage calculations I came to the same conclusion it had to be choice specs because I see no life orb damage and there is no way a froslass with only a modest nature can do that much I checked and it would only be able to hit cradily for 30.3% - 35.6%. now knowing that froslass has choice specs i have 2 options switch out to something else to take it or let cradily rest and lick it's wounds while the sandstorm pounds froslass to death. Of the two I opt to stay in and rest as this is one of the very few times i can get a guaranteed free 100% healthy cradily lets see what happens. --- Froslass used Ice Beam. It's super effective! A critical hit! Gum drop lost 48% of its health. killa kid's Gum drop fainted. The sandstorm rages. Froslass is buffetted by the sandstorm! Froslass lost 6% of its health. gumdrop: (fainted) froslass: (47%) score:5-5(tied) ....... I was so pissed you wouldn't believe it I was going to rest wake up hp fire froslass and then switch but fate had other plans for me and my plant fossil i guess it was time for it to become extinct. Now during my thinking period on what to bring i I said to myself if this gal has specs might as well bring in something that resist it that way I can either A. resist it and hit it back harder or B. force the switch get a free attack and and respond accordingly to whatever my opponent brings in so i go with. --- killa kid switched in Juggernaut (lvl 100 Omastar ?). the juggernaut baby he is going to be able to absorb the ice beam thanks to the spdef evs and the storm whipping around. however I'm still not 100% on the whole choice specs thing. I mean what if it is shoddy just acting up like it does occasionally and did more damage than it should and froslass Destiny bonds omastar before I surf that will be froslass taking down 2 of my pokes but if i let this drag out he could get frozen and become useless to me anyway so I decided that HP elec to test the waters is the way to go I just prayed that this wouldn't kill froslass if it had Destiny bond --- Froslass used Destiny Bond. Froslass is trying to take its foe with it! Juggernaut used Hidden Power. Froslass lost 34% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Froslass is buffetted by the sandstorm! Froslass lost 6% of its health. Juggernaut:(100%) froslass:(7%) score: 5-5 (tied) as I suspected it's just shoddy being weird.....again i'm glad I tested the waters with hp elec first however i know he isn't going to DB again just in case i don't attack so the only two logical moves for my opponent would be either switch or attack for some damage before froslass dies. so just in case my opponent decides to do the ladder of the two which would be attack I want to bring in my aerodactyl because it has done it's job and is on the brink of death anyway so it is perfect for the role of death fodder --- killa kid switched in Alpha (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?). Alpha is exerting its pressure! Satos3047 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?). The sandstorm rages. Hum a double switch now i wish i would of hp electriced this thing to hell but i guess it isn't all bad considering now i can taunt it and insure that it still can't set anything up. --- Alpha used Taunt. Skarmory fell for the taunt! Skarmory used Aerial Ace. It's not very effective... Alpha lost 1% of its health. killa kid's Alpha fainted. The sandstorm rages. alpha:(fainted) skarmory(100%) score: 4-5( satos3047) well Alpha you did a great job and I'm proud of you for keeping those entry hazards in check up untill your final moments in battle. now it's time to try to get a little revenge killing going on so i send in my...... --- killa kid switched in Omega (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?). Omega's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! Satos3047 switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?). Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Omega's attack! Omega used Fire Punch. Hitmontop lost 48% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm! Hitmontop lost 6% of its health. omega:(27%) hitmontop:(46%) score: 4-5(satos) this guy is amazing it is my CB t-tar and i absolutely love it do death. fire punch did 48% after the intimidate and it's non stabbed plus neutral damage. I wanted to stay in and finish the little break dancer off however i know most of these guys like to pack mach punch so this is no time for me to play Russian roulette and hope he doesn't have it so it's time for a switch --- killa kid switched in Checkmate (lvl 100 Regirock). Hitmontop used Brick Break. It's super effective! Checkmate lost 46% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm! Hitmontop lost 6% of its health. Checkmate's leftovers restored its health a little! Checkmate restored 6% of its health. checkmate: (60%) hitmontop: (40%) score: 4-5 (satos) well I guess if i would of played i would of won that particular round this guy is a non priority intimidate attacker and i know for a fact that it must be adamant max attack to do any where near that much without the help of an attacking item. Now I know checkmate can take one more so I'm going to have checkmate slow this hitmontop down so he can stop being such a huge threat --- Hitmontop used Brick Break. It's super effective! Checkmate lost 41% of its health. Checkmate used Thunder Wave. Hitmontop is paralysed! It may be unable to move! The sandstorm rages. Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm! Hitmontop lost 6% of its health. Checkmate's leftovers restored its health a little! Checkmate restored 6% of its health. checkmate: (25%) hitmontop: (28%) paralyzed score: 4-5 (satos) successfully crippled and ready to be taken down by something else:) I could of and probably should of taken this next turn to set up my stealth rocks but i was busy holding my brother and was not completely focused on what i was doing at the time --- killa kid switched in polish me (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?). Hitmontop used Brick Break. It's super effective! polish me lost 33% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm! Hitmontop lost 6% of its health. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (73%) hitmontop: (22%) score: 4-5 (satos) well polish me taks brick break like he beast he is and is ready to payback my back the favor by koing hitmontop however there is one little thing i forgot (once again thanks to my brother whom i love very much) --- Satos3047 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?). polish me used Earthquake. It doesn't affect Skarmory... The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (79%) skarmory: (100%) score: 4-5 (satos) grrrr I knew i was forgetting something but i couldn't remember what so i just went for the EQ. I can't believe I forgot about a full health skarmory but whatever i couldn't sit back and kick myself for to long i needed to dispose of it and fast. --- killa kid switched in Omega (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?). Omega's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! Skarmory used Stealth Rock. Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team! The sandstorm rages. omega: (27%) skarmory: (100%) score: 4-5 (satos) i'm pissed he got up entry hazards however I'm happy he didn't dive straight into spike layers as that would of been much worse for my team. now it's time for t-tar to put a huge dent in the piece of foil wrapped chicked --- Omega used Fire Punch. It's super effective! Skarmory lost 54% of its health. Skarmory used Spikes. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team! The sandstorm rages. omega: (27%) skarmory: (46%) score: 4-5 (satos) OHHHH yeah baby when is the last time you saw a t-tar hit a skarmory like that without having any dragon dances, curses, or being a boah. I love this thing so much now I knew my opponent would probably switch especially since i saw no leftovers which of course is strange for skarmory but i had to fire punch so it could not come back to hurt us later. --- Satos3047 switched in Salamence (lvl 100 Salamence ?). Salamence's Intimidate cut Omega's attack! Omega used Fire Punch. It's not very effective... Salamence lost 18% of its health. The sandstorm rages. Salamence is buffetted by the sandstorm! Salamence lost 6% of its health. omega:(27%) salamence:(76%) score: 4-5 (satos) Ugghhh I knew i hadn't seen all the pokes on his team and of course the last one had to be a damn salamence no one leaves home without mence or a flygon. but whatever I'm not really concerned with this t-tar is pretty much dead anyway and if he comes in on spikes and SR he is going to die on coming anyway so might as well leave it in as death fodder --- Salamence used Earthquake. It's super effective! Omega lost 27% of its health. killa kid's Omega fainted. The sandstorm rages. Salamence is buffetted by the sandstorm! Salamence lost 6% of its health. omega:(fainted) salamence:(70:) score: 3-5 (satos) things just keep getting worse and worse however it's time for all that to change i bring in the one pokemon who i knew could single handedly or rather single tentaclely put me back in a good spot. --- killa kid switched in Juggernaut (lvl 100 Omastar ?). Pointed stones dug into Juggernaut. Juggernaut lost 12% of its health. Juggernaut was hurt by Spikes! Juggernaut lost 12% of its health. juggernaut: (76%) this guy is a bulky spatking tank i know he does not have a life orb which means omastar can take an EQ and live with anywhere for 11%-1% and since i have shell armor crits will never happen so i wasn't worried. however i got a little scared when i saw he used --- Salamence used Thunder Fang. It's super effective! Juggernaut lost 51% of its health. Juggernaut used Ice Beam. It's super effective! Salamence lost 69% of its health. Satos3047's Salamence fainted. The sandstorm rages. Juggernaut's leftovers restored its health a little! Juggernaut restored 6% of its health. juggernaut: (31%) salamence: (fainted) score: 3-4(satos) I was so scared because if thunder fang would of flinched that could of been GG. Due to the fact that all I have left are my regirock and rhyperior(excluding the juggernaut of course) so I'm feeling pretty good about the situation he has a paraylized hitmontop, a almost dead froslass, an annoying skarmory and a pokemon I don't know which is the only part that scares me. So all I can do is sit and wait for my opponents switch. I'm praying for the best but preparing for the worst --- Satos3047 switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?). Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Juggernaut's attack! Hitmontop:(28%) not much to say here except surfs up dude:) --- Juggernaut used Surf. Hitmontop lost 28% of its health. Satos3047's Hitmontop fainted. The sandstorm rages. Juggernaut's leftovers restored its health a little! Juggernaut restored 6% of its health. juggernaut(37%) hitmontop: (fainted) score:3-3(tied) looking good juggy looking good. But now i know for a fact froslass isn't coming in so it's either skarm or mystery pokemon number 2 --- Satos3047 switched in Electivire (lvl 100 Electivire ?). Electivire used Brick Break. It's super effective! Juggernaut lost 36% of its health. killa kid's Juggernaut fainted. The sandstorm rages. Electivire is buffetted by the sandstorm! Electivire lost 6% of its health. juggernaut: (fainted) electivire: (94%) score: 2-3 (sauros) Juggernaut goes down but not before wrecking some shit so he deserves a rest however I'm on the bad side of a 3-2 here and i need a come back and now so my pokemon of choice is rhyperior it walls evething he has left barring froslass and worst comes to worst i can make skarm struggle to death --- killa kid switched in polish me (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?). Pointed stones dug into polish me. polish me lost 6% of its health. polish me was hurt by Spikes! polish me lost 12% of its health. polish me: (61%) I know polish me can take a brick break and you all already know what my train of thought is no matter what destroy E-vire. --- Electivire used Brick Break. It's super effective! polish me lost 20% of its health. polish me used Earthquake. It's super effective! Electivire lost 94% of its health. Satos3047's Electivire fainted. The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me:(47%) Electivire:(fainted) score: 2-2(tied) I know froslass is comming in to try and finish of my rhyperior with an ice beam but I still have regirock so death fodder time --- Satos3047 switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?). killa kid switched in Checkmate (lvl 100 Regirock). Pointed stones dug into Checkmate. Checkmate lost 12% of its health. Checkmate was hurt by Spikes! Checkmate lost 12% of its health. killa kid's Checkmate fainted. Froslass used Ice Beam. But there was no target! The sandstorm rages. Froslass is buffetted by the sandstorm! Froslass lost 6% of its health. Satos3047's Froslass fainted. checkmate:(fainted) froslass: (fainted) score:(1-1) tied ok now it's down to a semi stall war my Rhyperior Vs skarmory. after all that work it comes down to this. My game plan was simply stone edge until I run out and pray to the hax gods i do not miss I will not post anymore thoughts until the end of the battle. --- killa kid switched in polish me (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?). Satos3047 switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?). Pointed stones dug into polish me. polish me lost 6% of its health. polish me was hurt by Spikes! polish me lost 12% of its health. polish me:(29%) --- Skarmory used Aerial Ace. It's not very effective... polish me lost 5% of its health. polish me used Stone Edge. Skarmory lost 33% of its health. The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (30%) skarmory:(13%) --- Skarmory used Rest. Skarmory fell asleep! Skarmory's Chesto Berry cured its Sleep! Skarmory restored 86% of its health. polish me used Earthquake. It doesn't affect Skarmory... The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (36%) skarmory:(100%) --- Skarmory used Aerial Ace. It's not very effective... polish me lost 5% of its health. polish me used Stone Edge. Skarmory lost 35% of its health. The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (37%) skarmory:(65%) --- Skarmory used Aerial Ace. It's not very effective... polish me lost 5% of its health. polish me used Stone Edge. A critical hit! Skarmory lost 60% of its health. The sandstorm rages. polish me's leftovers restored its health a little! polish me restored 6% of its health. polish me: (37%) skarmory:(5%) --- Skarmory used Aerial Ace. It's not very effective... polish me lost 6% of its health. polish me used Stone Edge. Skarmory lost 5% of its health. Satos3047's Skarmory fainted. polish me: (30%) skarmory:(fainted%) score: (1-0) killa kid wins! yeah after an intense and gut wrenching battle the match is over and my mono-type team reigns supreme I EQ'd at the end predicting a roost rest caught me completely off guard and scared me to death. props: polish me: wrecking alot of pokes and taking many hits Juggernaut: taking that T-fang without flinching and then turning that into a 2 pokemon KO's my opponent for giving me a run for my money and for running rest over roost slops: me: for over predicting at times and sending t-tar into a surf that i knew was comming and for not putting spaces between the : and the (so now it's a bunch of sad faces.
  13. wraith ok first watch how you say it's fine you corrected me but don't do it in the way that you just did second: i don't care if he doesn't check pert if you read above which i recommend you do before you make post that don't matter gum drop and regirock hell even t-tar are my counters for it. So there is no need in you pointing that out. Please make relevant post only thank you this is a RMT(rate my team) not correct my Calc mistakes all you had to say was Killa kid swampert actually 2 hits your omastar doing blank and blank so it is a 2hit ko not being rude and saying so i don't know what you were talking about. Don't ever do that again Please and thank you.
  14. this team is very hard to rate because you saying you know about natures but for some reason havent done them makes me not want to rate this. this team gets a 1/10 not just for the nature but the sets are bad as well not to mention all of your pokemon are missing EV's somewhere you have 510 evs to use you are missing 6 each set. not to mention your entire team is one dimensonial meaning you've done nothing in terms of spreading evs arround your pokes to make them cover up their weaknesses. like umbreon already has good SPdef so put a few evs there but beef up it's defence and it needs a careful nature if it's passing. another reason I'm giving this team a bad rate is you know nothing about this metagame saying dragonite can only be a physical attacker look at it's base stats it has a great spatk base stat and move pool to get the job done. he is actually one of the most popular mixed attackers in OU even more popular than salamence thanks to Extremespeed providing priority and his natural bulk lanturn needs it's nature and sset revamped magnezone out speeds nothing thanks to a -speed nature and yeah zap cannon is a waste miltank is walled by steels and easily set up by siczor change all natures bro dragonite jolly@ yache dragon claw/EQ/fire punch/ dragon dance gallade adamant@ scarf close combat/night slash/ice punch leaf blade umbreon@careful leftovers curse/confuse ray/payback/baton pass miltank@careful milk drink/body slam/curse/hammer arm lanturn@bold heal bell/discharge/surf/icebeam magnezone@naive sub/t-bolt/explosion/hp fire but you need to remove one of you pokes with a fighting weakness for a ghost or something I'll fix the rest later and also don't replace EQ with roost as a very important to dragonite so don't ever replace EQ with roost ummm t-bird you are asking this new kid to reley completly on hax? no not good bro he is new he doesn't need to take risk like this. you can't just reccomend stuff to new players he needs sure fire stuff you arent considering his skill level bro at all. only way he can take risk is if he has a solid team built that way if this gimmick fails he has a strong to to fall back on and he doesn't even had that.
  15. actually swampert is walled by gum drop toxic+rest and also regirock checks it through explosion so swaperert doesnt give me problems. not to mention a defensive swampert EQ does less than half to omastar thanks to his bulk and omastar isn't weak to water type moves it is neutral the water type resisting water and the rock type taking Super effective damage from it cancel each other out gum drop actually takes neutral damage from all of swamperts stab attacks. now onto omastar. Hp elec hits so much more than hp grass with for super effective or neutral damage in OU in UU yeah I'd run hp grass but HP elec is way more effective only things that are in OU that resist is are flygon, jolteon, and Electivire I"ve tried SE and it tends to be a waste of a move slot for a lead aerodactyl as none of the pokemon you mention outside of gyarados are used as leads. Gyarados is easily taunted and stopped from setting up so that is no problem at all. EQ is far better for hitting infernape, heatran, metagross crunch is for gengar leads. I've never seen a mence lead or zapdos lead so SE really doesn't help me. Oh and i don't worry about accuracy.lol If you ever see my special attackers they are all risk takers i love power so i if there is a stronger move i can sub in i'll do it but when i feel it's not needed i won't SE on regirock I'm not completly against it but not for it at the same time because Gyarados doesn't give him problem he can just T-wave it then pass it off to T-tar to tear it down. Not to mention then metagross and heatran have their eay with regirock and if you'd like a warstory I'd be more than happy to post one a little later when I make it home
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