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Posts posted by Saiyan26

  1. Thanks for the quick respond :) ! I'll get back to ya.

    On a side note I like how it doesn't feel like it is such a blatant hack. I've played other "all pkm" hacks, but they end up feeling broken (at least in the beginning).

    Also, can you give a quick guess on how early I'll encounter a fire type? I'm not a fan of Cynda but I hate how uncommon fire types are.

  2. Does No$GBA still have problems? I lent my DS to friend so I figured I start on No$GBA then transfer my save. It froze on me during my second visit to cherrygrove (after dropping off the egg). I didn't think it would freeze so I didn't do a "save and quit". I got a fem adamant Totodile on my first try! Guess I'll just have to wait until I get my DS back :(

    (I'm sure the hack is great Roland, can't wait to play it lol)

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