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Posts posted by Jakek3701

  1. Hello everyone.

    Allow me to say, I am simply entranced by everything I have seen on this thread. I think the sprite codes are phenomenal, and a certain someone deserves a lot of credit.

    Speaking of which, I would like to present a request, if that's alright.

    It has been seen that battle sprite data for some of the other sprites (including the DPPt protagonists, Riley, Buck, etc) are etched into the game's data.

    I would like a code in which Riley's back sprite appears at the beginning of a battle. And if possible, a code for his battle sprite to be seen via Union Room.

    Now I'm only one person who made a grand total of one post. But, I felt the strong urge to post this as many of you have done things that I would have assumed to be impossible. Regardless of whether this can or will be done does not matter, I, like many others am quite content with all the other codes that have been posted.


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