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Posts posted by Rlaur

  1. You didn't just generate a PID, right? That's a sure fire way to give it a hacked status.

    Here you go, should be perfectly fine. The Special Attack IV was changed to 13 in making a legal PID.

    Lol, that's not what you're supposed to do? I inputted the IVs/Nature I wanted and gave the PID it gave me to the Pokemon. Took me a few tries with all the other Pokemon but I got them all legal except for Scizor. Anyway thanks, I appreciate it.

  2. Hey everyone I'm new. I registered on these forums because I need help making my Scizor legal. I created 5 pokemon and I was able to get all of them legal except for Scizor. No matter what PID/IV combo I try, it always comes out a hacked in the legality checker. Here's the file, if you could look into it I would be extremely grateful. I need him Adamant and Technician, which I believe is the 2nd ability. Gender doesn't matter. If it's the secret ID that needs to be changed then please do so, I just typed in any random number.



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