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About impervius

  • Birthday 06/13/1992
  1. I'll replace it with the "farawayplace". and the different PIDs amy pineco and the pineco uploaded by Leondarkfury.
  2. please help thanks
  3. the location met is the DEC code for whatever route it was that i put in the HEX boxes. All the recognised routes are in Sinnoh, and it's impossible to meet someone in a faraway place isn't it? also, i notice that when loaded into pokésav, your .pkm file shows up in red text, while the ones I have made show up in blue. This remains the case even when i turn your EVs to 0 (which I'm sure is the case on all untrained pokémon). I notice that yours has a different PID- have you made it shiny? lastly, Aarux, i've been unable to find the pokémon generator you mentioned- is it actually "Codr's" or was that a typo? If you could help me that would be amazing
  4. here is the pkm file. please tell me if there are any howlers pineco2.pkm
  5. ok, i will give that a read through. when i click L+R, nothing happens at all. is this usual behaviour if the hex values are wrong?
  6. do you use an american or an english game?
  7. can anyone help?
  8. i downloaded the "english" heartgold/soulsilver from http://www.projectpokemon.org/editing/pokesav/pokesavdownload.php it seemed to be the only version available, but i assume that I ended up downloading the american one? in that case, whence can i get the UK english version?
  9. Hey- not entirely sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if it isn't, then please let me know so I can put my threads in the right place in future. Basically, I'm having trouble using the action replay codes generated by Pokésav on my DS. The game id IPGE 2D5118CA, which is used by pokésav, is different from the IPGE cdbe84d9 which is used by my copy of action replay- i assume that this is a region issue. Is there any way I can get the Pokésav code to work on my UK version of soulsilver? Thanks
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