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Posts posted by DirtySyko

  1. Didn't like being forced to turn off my webserver, just to turn on the GTS.

    edited the sendpkm.py to open up port 81 instead of 80

    and made the .htaccess file to redirect pokemondpds to port 81

    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^pokemondpds/(.*) http://%{SERVER_NAME}:81/pokemondpds/$1

    Would this make it so people like me, who have port 80 blocked by ISP, able to send Pokemon to others? If so, can you host this file so I can download it, because I don't know much about editing these things myself.

  2. I have come to the conclusion that it has to be my ISP that does not want me to run servers, so Port 80 TCP is blocked. I can still use it for outgoing requests though, like playing Xbox Live or Skype, just not able to have people connect to my network.

    So, is there any other method I can use to get people to connect to my network for this, or will my ISP have alternative packages I might be able to get from them that allows me to have port 80 TPC opened, or will I have to do something like purchase a domain? Not exactly sure how all of this works.

  3. DNS server is getting requests, that's a beginning.

    When you do a port 80 check on your IP, is SendPKM.exe showing an error saying that it got a wrong request ?

    If nothing happens, then try the method I told you, open TCP only for port 80 instead of "Both".

    That worked for me with port 53, it didn't work when I opened both TCP and UDP, but I solved it by opening UDP only, idk why.

    When I try to use the checker with SendPKM.exe running I get a message saying "couldn't test port 80 because some other app has this port locked."

    I also tried what you said and it didn't make a difference. And now, for some bizarre reason, port 53 TCP/UDP both show up as closed again, and I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything for it to suddenly do this.


  4. Try opening UDP only for port 53 and TCP only for port 80, I don't know if it'll help you but it worked for me.

    I ended up trying out Port Triggering, and I managed to get 53 TCP and UDP open, and 80 UDP open, but 80 TCP is still closed. I tried again online with people, and I thought it was working, but everyone says they just got sent back to the lobby. This is the screen shot of what was happening though. What was I doing wrong this time? Should I still need to try out this opening UDP only for port 53 and TCP only for port 80 method?


  5. I've read through this entire thread, downloaded and tried out everything so far, and still cannot make it so other people can connect and receive Pokemon from me. I have no problem sending Pokemon on my PC to my DS, I just can't get it to work for others.

    I have a static IP, I'm pretty sure I did everything right when it comes to opening and forwarding ports, but any port checker I use tells me 53 and 80 are closed. The error message I always get is 52100. I'm at a loss of what I could be doing wrong. I'm starting to think maybe my ISP just doesn't allow port 53 and 80 to be open. If that's the case, what do I do?

    I'm hoping I'm just making an error somewhere with the ports. Here is a screen shot of my configurations, can anyone tell me what I may be doing wrong?


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