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Posts posted by Kowiz

  1. My goal was to make a page, where people could upload their .pkm files, and have a GTS instance start up, let them download the .pkm, and then have the instance shut off. But, I got lazy, and tired from adding checks everywhere. The main base is here though, so it works! If anybody wants to fix it up, go right ahead :P


    It goes via IP address, so it may not work correctly if you're connecting to the GTS server on the same LAN

    The sendpkm and pokehaxlib were modified to take a 2nd argument, port number

    (doesn't contain the cname version)

    (probably should have removed the dnsspoof function due to redundancy)

    You're suppose to (manually) run a server GTS server on port 81, maybe with the randomizing pkm files

    When somebody submits a pokemon, an instance will start up on port 82

    Then they connect to the GTS. Via their IP, they are automatically forwarded to port 82, where they receive the pkm, and the port 82 instanced server shuts down.

    If port 82 is being taken up by somebody else submitting, and somebody submits a pokemon, it automatically goes to port 83, and starts the instanced server there.

    After the instanced servers shut down, the IP is deleted, and it will let people submit from the first port number(82 in this case)

    If they don't have a pokemon submitted, then they'll be sent to port 81.

    You can modify the .htaccess file to allow for more instances.

    You are required to have a webserver with PHP running on port 80.

  2. Would this make it so people like me, who have port 80 blocked by ISP, able to send Pokemon to others? If so, can you host this file so I can download it, because I don't know much about editing these things myself.

    Well, it would probably require getting an external webhost at port 80, and instead of pointing to port 81 on the external webhost, have it point to your IP at port 81

    As long as you're properly forwarding port 81, I think it would work fine.

    Would require some minor editing of the file though.

  3. Didn't like being forced to turn off my webserver, just to turn on the GTS.

    edited the sendpkm.py to open up port 81 instead of 80

    and made the .htaccess file to redirect pokemondpds to port 81

    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^pokemondpds/(.*) http://%{SERVER_NAME}:81/pokemondpds/$1

  4. I didn't like having to sit at the computer, and manually change the pokemon I wanted.

    So, I made this simple .bat script, using LordLandon's script(post #43).

    Place the .bat into the same directory as the sendpkm.py script.

    Have a pkm folder inside the same directory, and put your *.pkm files inside that folder

    It cycles through the whole directory, then loops back to the beginning

    @@echo off
    @@dir pkm\*.pkm /A:-D /b /n /O:N > dir.txt
     @@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
     @@FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%G IN ("dir.txt") DO @@ (
     @@Set Line=%%G
     @@Set Line=!Line:~0,-4%!
    @@echo File is now: pkm\!Line!.pkm
     @@C:\Python26\Python.exe sendpkm.py pkm\!Line!.pkm
    @@goto start

    Interestingly enough, when I started using my .bat, instead of throwing me an error, it sent me to the GTS menu, after I received the pokemon. Though, probably just a coincidence.

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