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Posts posted by Bairon

  1. hey everyone i know im a noob and there is probaly an easy answer to my question...

    anyhoooo does any one know why i cant edit natures on pokegen whenever i try editing the box is gray and well i cant modify....

    the version im using is 3.something and the pokemon are with my id but i think they are a bit hacked although they work with pbr....

    but not on wifi..

  2. My first shiny was not in diamond or pearl nor platinum.... it was in leaf green in one of the sevi islands.

    the pokemon i caught was a weepinbell, i thought it was female but it turns out it was shiny eventually i sent it ova to pearl and managed to trade it for something more useful i recall it was a level 97 rayquaza with fully trained iv and ev's witch was awesome

    i still have it and has won me multiple uber battles

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