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Posts posted by MisterAlex

  1. I inserted my PBR Surf Pikachu wondercard into my Platinum save file, picked it up at the store, saved, dumped a PKM file, and then repeated the process with my original save three times and gotten the following:


    As you can see, the PID is the same every time and the IVs change. All three report as legal--which they should, since I didn't modify them.

    My objective, though, is to edit some more favorable IVs on this "Mystery Gift (Static)" pokemon. Pokegen's PID calculator obviously gives me a different number every time I change IVs.

    So can I just edit IVs willy-nilly and leave the PID (433683475) and nature (Hardy) as they are? Thanks, y'all.

  2. Okay, I did some fiddling around, and it seems to crash if I import a pokemon from a .PKM file and then save my .SAV (either overwriting or saving a new file). So far I can edit my exiting pokemon and save without a problem.

  3. I seem to encounter problems with saving. Whenever I try and save changes to my file it always crashes.
    Same deal here. Crashes every time I try to save. I don't know if the crash info would help, but:

    Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: PokeGen.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 4c38f427

    Fault Module Name: PokeGen.exe

    Fault Module Version:

    Fault Module Timestamp: 4c38f427

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 00006ec0

    OS Version: 6.1.7600.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 0a9e

    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

    Additional Information 3: 0a9e

    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

    Also sending you a copy of my SAV if that'll help.

  4. Does the Legality Checker know that HG/SS can give you a Dialga/Giratina/Palkia? My Arceus-event Dialga is showing up as "Type: Hacked or Unknown Pokemon" and I didn't do anything differently to it than my other three PPSE-DS-altered pokemon. I just "EV-trained" them quick-style and switched around some of the IVs, but the others don't have any red flags; they just have yellow "Hatched" for their type.

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