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Posts posted by sieghart

  1. "DNS server started on" only means that the socket was successfully bound on the port 53 of your computer, this is NOT the equivalent of sendpkm.py's "Please set your DS's DNS server to" (for example).

    This was more for debugging purpose actually.

    So, step by step, you must :

    - Know your external IP address, go here to have it for example

    - Launch DNS_Server.exe, and input that IP when asked

    - You are done with the DNS part, now start SendPKM.exe with a 236-byte .pkm or .bin file (you can drag and drop it on the .exe, that's much easier). It should say that it is ready and waiting for a connexion.

    That's all.

    If both UDP port 53 and TCP port 80 are forwarded and reachable from the Internet, then any person who sets your external IP as his DS's primary DNS server and connects to the GTS should receive the .pkm you chose.

    But remember that it may not work when connecting with a DS in the same network, in that case you have to replace your external IP by your computer's private IP in both DNS_Server.exe and your DS's DNS settings.

    tysm for that, sux tho cuz i cant forward my ports since i have no access to the router, i live in a hotel and run off their internet =S

  2. hmm alright I'll have to look into that then, thank you for the help though, when I get home I'll give it a shot.

    Oh um I guess one last question. Which file would need to be edited for me to be able to have it stay open til its awarded more than one. I'll do that myself and learn how, just need to know which ones.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. So anyone have news of getting this to work through the internet so I can create events for my friends and stuff without me having to trade them or them having to come to my house? =<, I know its possible because of a site I saw recently that did it.(currently dont have the link to it as I am not at home)

  4. So I've just about gone through all of this and am having issues with setting this up correctly, Firstly I have NO CLUE what files to use because everybody keeps posting new ones or edited ones and etc... WHICH ONE IS CORRECT!!!, I'm trying to set up a distributive center to send pokemon to other people not on my network(mainly friends). With my current SendPKM file, It prompts me to enter a specific dotted quad in my DNS settings on my DS, how do I configure this program to send over the internet to other people on different networks. Could someone who got it working just maybe post a step by step tutorial from start to end(sorry if it would be alot of work to type out) on how to get the DNS server up and running online.



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