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Posts posted by PinkPhione101

  1. I was wondering if anyone has a working x4 exp code for SS? ive tried both version 1 and 2 on pokefreaks codelist and neither work for me. does anyone have one that has to be activated with maybe select after defeat or something like that? or even better, one that stays activated throughout the game without button activation during gameplay? Ive tried 6 or 7 variations of this code and ive looked through this forum but i havent had any luck at all please help!( BTW thank you Freespirit for the working pokemod! I have all three starters like i wanted at what levels i wanted.)

  2. I was wondering if anyone has a working x4 exp code for SS? ive tried both version 1 and 2 on pokefreaks codelist and neither work for me. does anyone have one that has to be activated with maybe select after defeat or something like that? or even better, one that stays activated throughout the game without button activation during gameplay? Ive tried 6 or 7 variations of this code and ive looked through this forum but i havent had any luck at all :( please help!( BTW thank you Freespirit for the working pokemod! I have all three starters like i wanted at what levels i wanted.)

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