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Posts posted by opoq

  1. Indeed, I do recall that, I hope you've been doing well :)

    Since I am mostly focused on my studies and other projects at the moment, i haven't engaged in anything deeper than opening the unit apart, I want to have a better look into it though when I get a chance.

    I'm mostly interested in analyzing the IR signal and replicating/altering it afterwards. However that required both some custom electronics (something I am not really familiar with) and perhaps custom software too. That'd require lots of reading, tinkering and fiddling and my free time is limited these days...

    Arty, based on the ethos you seem to carry with other forum members, I think we could work together on this. I have enough experience with microcontrollers that I could build the hardware necessary to bug the connection between game and pokewalker.

    Roughly speaking: | PC |


    | |

    ---------------------- -----|-- |---- ------------------

    |Pokewalker In <-|--------|----^--|----|-----------<-| Out Cartridge|

    | Out --|-->----|-Bug--^---|------------>| In |

    ---------------------- -------------- ------------------

    With a pair of IR transceivers as [roughly] shown above, I could get the raw IR data. By starting with simple transactions, ie Pokemon out and then right back in, I can get get the most fundamental of transfers down. Which is where you come in; sounds like you're better on the code end of things?

    Let me know if you want to try this!


    EDIT: Oook. Here it is simpler:

    Walker-->--<--->----<--BUG-TO USB---<-->--<-->--<-->---Cartridge

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