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Posts posted by ninnyjams

  1. Chill.

    First of all it was a theory. I didn't say I could make that exactly work.

    Secondly when I try to do that, the game freezes.

    I'm no coding expert, but it seem like it's sorta impossible to get shiny eggs in a non ledgit way.

    Strange enough, when I pokesave shiny eggs, when they hatch they look shiny but when I go to their summary it's plain.

    Wow, what? What do you mean chill? That was the tamest response in this topic.. I said good work to all the people working on codes and said how I'm patiently waiting. Is that a problem? I'm very grateful that people are attempting this. If you want to tell someone to chill, it had better be one of those people being rude, because that's not me.

    As far as it being possible, there's a Japanese code for it, so who knows?

  2. Just posting showing my support to everyone working on codes, and to put it out there that at least one more person would kill to have that shiny Pokemon hatching from an egg code. Not rushing, not going to jump in and say "HAY DID U GUISE GET IT YETT???" just expressing my desire for it to be completed! Marking Pokemon shiny in the box is interesting as well, but the hatching this is the deal breaker to me!

    Keep up the good work, looking forward to getting it.

  3. Walk a Step to Receive a Shiny Egg From the Daycare Couple (japanese HG/SS)

    02028E84 00892176

    02028E88 28005840

    94000130 FEFF0000

    02028E84 47084900

    02028E88 02000231

    E2000230 00000030

    00892176 68124A08

    189A238C 88538816

    40562207 1C8A4053

    52835246 46C05840

    47104A00 02028E8D

    02110DC0 46C046C0

    D0000000 00000000

    Can someone please convert this code into US format?

    Any updates on this? Somebody said that one being built from the ground up was being worked on, what's the status on that, and would it be easier to convert? Keep up the good works guys, I wish I could contribute in some way but I got nothing other than hoping for this code, like a lot. I don't even care about the 'walk a step' portion, I just want eggs to hatch shiny a la the wild Pokemon shiny code.

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