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Posts posted by IceSage

  1. Hey,

    I'm sure I could test it out on my own... But I don't want to mess with my AceKard 2i too much since I don't own my own 3DS and it's working fine on my DSi, where I want it.

    Anyway, does this program work when used with the 3DS, or does the 3DS still treat Slot 1 like the DSi and makes it so the power is switched off on Slot 1 when you remove a game?

    My girlfriend has my DS Lite that I used to use and I borrow on occasion, however, I wanted to know if using the 3DS would work, since my roommate owns one. Would make things much easier.

  2. I tried seeing if anyone recognized this as a known issue, it's hard to overlook, but since I can't find it, I'll post here anyway.

    I seem to have found a bug in which .PKM files dragged from a file, into the program... only work with Box 1. If dragging them to another box, it overwrites the slot in Box 1.

    I've posted a video as an example.

    Basically, if I go to drag any Pokemon into Box 1, from a file, it's fine.

    If I change the box to something else, it doesn't seem to recognize that I changed boxes, and continues to replace the pokemon from Box 1.

    For example:

    I have Articuno in the 1st slot of Box 1. I need to go to box 8 to drag and drop my Pikachu. I slide Pikachu into Slot 1 of Box 8. It appears as if nothing has happened. I return to Box 1 to find my Articuno replaced with the Pikachu I meant to place in Box 8.

    I can freely drag any Pokemon into the party. Once I drag them into my party, they can be dragged into any box like normal. Direct drag-and-drop of PKM files into anywhere but Box 1 results in overwriting Box 1's Pokemon.

    I hope this helps!

  3. Hey there,

    First off, I'd like to say EXCELLENT WORK on creating this program. It's helping me do something that would take me days to finish using the game alone. This really is a perfect tool for managing Pokemon.

    Secondly, I apologize in advance if what I'm suggesting has been suggested, or is something you can't implement. (Or, something that's already there but I just don't see it.) I was just curious if the following is possible, because I'm currently trying to achieve something.

    Export all Pokemon

    Do you think it would be possible to add a button that exports all Pokemon, or all selected Pokemon, to their own respective .pkm file in some sort of batch process? Currently, the only way to export Pokemon, that I can see, is to right-click each one, put up their data, and then export them 1 by 1.

    It would be nice to have a feature that lets you save them all.

    I ask this because I'm currently trying to figure out an easy way to simply transfer as many Pokemon as I can, from Pokemon Diamond, to SoulSilver. This tool makes it easier for me, but it would be excellent if it could be made even easier.

    Which also brings me to:

    Side-by-Side Drag and Drop

    It would also be nice of a feature to be able to dump all Pokemon you have, like say, all the boxes... Into a single file, and then be able to open them side by side.

    For example, I'd be able to make a dump of all the Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. Then, I open up my Pokemon SoulSilver .SAV, and then load the dump of the Pokemon Diamond boxes. This way, I can drag and drop Pokemon from the Pokemon Diamond dump, into the Pokemon SoulSilver boxes into the empty slots.

    I know that your program isn't exactly a tool for doing such things specifically, and it's more for just generating Pokemon and tweaking their abilities... But I honestly think this would be an excellent idea, and from my perspective (not knowing how this is coded, of course) seems like an easy thing to do.

    Edit: (Also, below is an example of what I mean by Side-by-Side drag and drop... using some crappy MSpaint skills.) I ended up reading in another post that saving "groups" or "boxes" of Pokemon isn't possible somehow, so I guess I retract what I meant by a "dump" of all Pokemon. Instead, something side by side that loads 2 .sav files would suffice, allowing for drag and drop between the two. (Instead of saving PKM files, opening the alternate .sav, then loading the PKM again.) My crap picture depicts something of the sort of what I'm suggesting. Open 1 main .sav file, then a 2nd window next to it for easy Drag and drop.



  4. Okay, I was finally able to copy my save file to my computer.

    I've opened it up in Pokegen, now... when I display each Pokemon's information, when I save it as a .pkm, it only saves each one at a time, right?

    So, I select a Pokemon, display it's information on the left, then save it as a .pkm file. I do that for each Pokemon I want to transfer, and basically when I have all the Pokemon I want to bring over to SoulSilver... I load up SoulSilver's information and set each one into an empty box slot?

  5. Are you using the Retail version of the game? If so use the steps above that I mentioned.

    or you could use ir-gts to transfer pokemon to and from your PC - http://code.google.com/p/ir-gts/

    if you are using an Acekard then just load up your save file in Pokegen and save each one... http://www.projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information

    Whoa, I didn't even read what you had put there. I thought it was a signature and I overlooked it. =P

    That actually, sounds really good.

    Yeah, I want to transfer the Pokemon I have on my retail Pokemon Diamond, to SoulSilver. I do, in fact, have an Acekard and that method you're suggesting sounds good.

  6. No, they don't. You need to trade them like regular Pokemon.

    You could use a GTS emulator to "upload" all your Pokemon to your computer then send them all to another version.

    I've heard of this, but haven't found a decent program or the full details. Do you know of any?

    Also, I've had another idea. Perhaps I just want to back up all the Pokemon I have, without transferring them. An idea just occurred to me, that I could use Pokemon Ranch to save all my Pokemon... Then modify a Pokemon game to make it identical to my real Diamond game, so I could transfer all the Pokemon into my Acekard version?

    The GTS solution seems good, but still, I would have to do each Pokemon one at a time, wouldn't I?

  7. Hey there,

    Hopefully I have the right forum for this random question. Anyway... I was wondering if anyone knew of a program, utility, etc, that made it easier for transferring Pokemon from one legit game to another.

    For example, I want to transfer all the Pokemon I have in Pokemon Diamond, to SoulSilver, but I really don't want to go into the process of trading them one at a time. Is there a way, perhaps using Wi-Fi, or some other method, to transfer ALL the Pokemon at once, to SoulSilver?

    Just wondering if a method like this exists or not. Thanks a bunch!

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