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Posts posted by Lotion

  1. Soo I got a Notched Ear Pichu and now it's a regular Pichu, I must've done something and not realized it. Anyways, I was wondering if someone could post the hex of a NEP? You can find the HEX code in PPSE-DS.. Thanks very much in advance, sorry if it's a hassle, I really wish I didn't screw it up. I can't seem to get it back from the Ilex Forest shrine and I don't know of any other way to get it back to normal so yeah.. This would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Also, my apologies if I posted this in the wrong section. It's kind of an odd request but there's no other way aside from getting NEP and I can't find a way to make the game think I didn't do the Ilex Forest Event yet so I have no other choice, I don't think. I figure having the Hex code readily available would also help people create their own NEPs since PokeSav is unable to at the current moment, anyways.

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