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Posts posted by shino

  1. Thanks for the quick reply! Code works fine (and obviously works better) but still can't connect, even though ports are open. Beginning to wonder about latency, etc. Will probably just start grabbing packets and troubleshooting myself, I wonder if my computer is having trouble responding to the dns request or the actual http gts transfer.

  2. I (think) I rewrote the original pokehaxlib.py to enable public access (with a manually supplied public IP) but even with 53 and 80 definitely forwarded and accessible I'm having no luck. Guess I'll either try from the bottom and write a completely new script or figure out an alternative.

    Just to be sure though, LordLandon - if under your dnsspoof function I return a public IP, the DS should attempt to connect to it, correct? I basically just replaced me="".join(chr(int(x)) for x in s.getsockname()[0].split(".")) with me="ip.ip.ip.ip".

  3. From what I've been able to glean from the source code (didn't learn python here either, chose ruby instead, whoops), there's actually nothing stopping the script from working fully on a public IP. If you know your public IP and have ports tcp80 and udp53 forwarded, you should be able to run this and have anyone setting their dns server to the spoof connect fully.

    That is, in theory -- in practice, I've been completely unable to have people connect to it running on different boxes on different networks, leading me to believe I'm just missing something in the code.

    M@T, is there a specific reason why you had to write a separate DNS server? Why were you unable to just connect to your friend running his spoofed dns server, with ports 53 and 80 forwarded?

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