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Posts posted by Izzi1r

  1. I've done a search and had no helpful results & tubing it doesn't seem to help either.

    I used this site around August with my old computer before getting my laptop and had no issues using the ARDS. I decided to DL the CD to this laptop today and have had tons of issues.

    When I began loading the list it instantly said Error on the DS screen multiple times down the green box.









    I've "retested" the AR and it still did it. I've tried overlapping the data on it and it still did it.

    I downloaded the Manager from my own CD and when the Wizard thing popped up it worked, from what I can tell, but still gives me the "Error!". Is it an issue with how I downloaded the Manager,or an issue with my ARDS?

    If this is in the wrong spot please point me into the right direction.

    Thanks ahead of time for the replies. Hopefully this gets resolved before my anger gets the best of me leaving me with no AR...

    From what I've read I might not have the correct firmware for my AR and the link on code junkies 1.6 firmware download doesn't seem to be active. Does anyone have another location to find the firmware?

  2. 2 Days ago I got my Pichu Duo in my box. I plan to see if the ear changes with Pichu evolving.

    33 hours into the game. Minus 4 hours if you don't count the time with my DS left on and me blacking out from being sleep deprived.

    All badges

    Lv. 40 Typhlosion/Volca'nzz (zz symbol)

    Lv.36 Crobat/Krozz

    Lv.38 Ampharos/Tricidazz

    Lv.40 Starmi/Trellazz

    HM Slave kangaskhan Str/cut/R.Smash/Whirlpool

    Goldeen for Waterfall.

    I'm a bit disappointed in my progress compared to how I do with the other games.

    Reached my disappointment point where I'm forced to deal with Lugia now or I can't continue the game. That and I hate how much they try to force stylist usage in this game.

    Killed Lugia :D

    League Attempt 4: 36:11

    Ampharos 44

    Starmi 47

    Typhlosion 45

    Crobat 44

    Attempt 1 Died at Psychic

    Attempt 2 Died at Dark

    Attempt 3 Died at Lance

    Yay for using your enemy to speed level and eventually crush them!

  3. So I was messing with the Pokewalker when I decided to look something up about it. I put the walker down and began using that hand to find what I needed. My other hand, holding the DS, lowered a bit and the top half of my DS tapped the touch pad area of my Laptop. The next thing I see is my screen going totally black instantly. After like 20 seconds I figured out my DS caused it and tapped it again. Tried it a few times to make sure it was because of the DS, which areas of the DS would cause it, and if the power being on mattered which apparently didn't. Anyone have any ideas as to why this happened? Maybe a small magnet within the DS top half?

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