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Posts posted by sean420

  1. Ive been trying to ask questions but the thread get ignored in the forums i pos them in.

    Id post them i the help forum.... But.... I CANT FIND IT.


    ive looked the forum page up and down 4728582826482 times, but i cant seem to fin the help forum.

    So...... Can anyone help?

  2. I was in the event contribution page an downloaded the colection zip.

    But i noticed they dont include .pkm files. Just the .pcd and .pgt files.

    Do i need the .pkm files to get the pokemon via pokesav?

    Like if i set up a pokesav code for the pikachu colored pichu, do i need to include the .pkm file to recieve the pokemon in my game?

    Btw sorry if this is the wrong forum, i couldnt think of which foru to post this in.

  3. hi,

    does anyone have the code/ or the files for pokesav, for an american pikachu colored pichu? i could only find the japanese one.

    and also, does anyone know when the PKM files page will be back up?

    i would of used that instead of asking if it werent down.

    andddd does anyone know if theres another database for pkm files?

    thanks in advance.

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