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Posts posted by PokeJermz

  1. Hey guys. I've been trying for about an hour to find the dll file for auto legality and can't for the life of me. I've downloaded the latest masters and tried dropping the files in the plugins folder in all types of  different ways and auto-legality just doesnt show up in the toold menu. Tried searching the forum and couldn't find anything, so does anyone have a direct link to the DLL or know how to get auto legality working for this new version??

  2. it actually IS possible for female indeedee to know trick room, but you have to catch her in a tera raid. I'm also currently trying to gen one using the tera raid charizard as a base.. so far I've managed to get it down to only two warnings: "invalid move" and "unable to match encounter with origin game" but that's as far as I can get it

  3. I purchased the DLC for Sword (my main game) but I didn't for Shield. Messing with my Shield save file in PkHex, I noticed that you're able to add the armor pass to your key items.. Has anybody tried this? Does it work? Could it get you in trouble?

  4. Hey everybody. So there I was.. Sending my save file from my unhacked switch to my hacked one to extract it, send it to my PC, edit it, re-inject it and send it back from my hacked console to my clean one when I thought.. " you know, it would be amazing if Pkhex was an app for my switch!". So I came here to ask if there was one that might be in development? Or if it's even possible to translate the current pkhex we all know and love to a version runnable on the switch? 

  5. 35 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    So far, ban risk is for having CFW, not for playing with modified saves.
    It's just that modified saves are a way to show them that you have a CFW'd Switch.

    Unless done incorrectly, block injections don't traces of modifications.
    (Unless they happen to be doing a before and after comparison to your save,
    and your injections is something ridiculous. But that would require them to store both copies of the save on the server at the first place. Who knows really)

    okay, Thank you! I plan on restoring my switch to the original NAND backup once I'm done, the only thing that concerns are the  mystery gifts (ie preorder bonus clothes) and if I have the items, but not the wondercard is that detectable

  6. Hey guys, this miight be a dumb question but I want to edit my save file to inject all of the bonus / preorder clothing & mystery gifts into my game. Is there a risk of Nintendo or Gamefreak potentially reading it as a modified save and banning me? I play ranked alot, not sure what their save file reading process is like, or if they even have one.

  7. Not sure about random encounters because I've yet to run into a shiny in the wild, but the chain fishing method absolutely works. I've run into 4 shinies that way, 2 within an hour even. I also hatched a shiny Bulbasaur via the masuda method. Ive been trying to hatch a shiny froakie thiugh, and I've had no luck with that again, so I would guess that the shiny egg hatching probability is about the same as last Gen

  8. My last thread was closed unjustly. The one sentence I threw in was NOT the topic of discussion, therefore it should not have been closed. I'm reposting it WITHOUT the sentence because I want people to discuss the actual topic and express their thoughts on the matter:

    As I'm sure most of you know, Nintendo has announced the Pokemon Bank and Poketransporter apps for the 3DS. They both sound like great ideas, however one thing that I read was that the apps would be able to detect pokemon generated through apps such as pokegen. Do you guys think that's true? I mean I've gen'd some legit pokemon that have passed the bar before. Do you think we're safe, or has Nintendo found a new method of detecting gen'd monsters?

  9. As I'm sure most of you know, Nintendo has announced the Pokemon Bank and Poketransporter apps for the 3DS. They both sound like great ideas, however one thing that I read was that the apps would be able to detect pokemon generated through apps such as pokegen. Do you guys think that's true? I mean I gen'd some exact clones of pokemon that I had in a fire red that I lost (so the stats and everything were legit) and was able to get past detectors and use them in the Nintendo VGC Tournament. Do you think we're safe, or has Nintendo found a new method of detecting gen'd monsters?

  10. good day all :) I've been visiting this site for a while already, so I figured it was high time I created an account.. I hope to be contributing any way that i can (i WAS going to post the not-yet-released jirachi pcd/pgt files but i see someone beat me to it). So hi again, and shimmy shimmy yall shimmy yea shimmy yay... sry. lol.

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