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Posts posted by calvin_0

  1. apparently i have a pokemon that used to be o.k, but today when i check again with pokecheck it came out as "This Pokémon is missing DPPt hatch trash bytes."

    should i worry? this is a pokemon from the day of pokesav and i treasure this pokemon as i earned 20 ribbons with it legally and i plan to transfer to gen 6.

    if missing trashbyte is a problem, can anyone tell me how to fix it?



    athena_1 (Custom)&#.png


  2. That flag is just a warning that the IVs of the Pokemon are abnormally high. This usually means that the Pokemon was either an RNG manipulated Pokemon or was editted. In your first example, your Zoroark's IVs were very high with only a sinlge stat under 30. In your other examples, they all had mediocre IVs. You have absolutely nothing to fear, traditional breeds with fantastic IVs often set off this flag as well.

    i see, thanks xD

  3. creator of pokecheck, can you explain why some of my pokemon have this message? -> "This Pokémon is likely edited or RNG abused". do i need to worry about pokemon with this message turning into a bad egg when ported into future console?

    like this pokemon below

    http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=423098 (legally breed, but edited with pokegen)

    and yet all this pokemon below have the same origin and yet they dont carry that message.. why?

    http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=440870 (legally breed, but edited with pokegen)

    http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=423114 (legally breed, but edited with pokegen)

    http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=423101 (created with pokegen from scratch)

    i just want to make sure all my pokemon doesnt get turn into a bad egg in future expension or disqualified from taking part in official event (not that i'll be taking part in them, but i just like to have that option open for me)

  4. 1. Trainer ID and Secret ID, is it really random? or it is generated using a set algorithm?

    2. What is the maximum digit allow for TID and SID

    3. Can i change an in game generated TID without changing the in game generated SID?.

    i'm asking this is because i'm planing to use a custom TID to breed a special pokemon. but i scared the SID might make cause it to become unlegit.


  5. Is there a way to export pokemon from rom into gen 4 pokesav? i want the in-game trade of RSE and FRLG but i dont feel like buying the game used.


    also i would recreate those pokemon in pokesav but there is not enough info to do so (like secret id)

  6. since nature doesnt affect PID, i can just capture the pokemon with my intended gender and ablity and then edit it with pokegen or pokesav?

    i just want some confirmation.


    i just dump my savefile form gamecart and pokegen crush when i try to open it. however the pokesav i found on gbatemp is able to open it without trouble.

    hopefully pokegen will get update soon to address this problem becasue i heard pokegen is better then pokesav.

  7. hi i have a problem with legit checker,

    i have downloaded my pokemon from pokewalker, it seems that the legit check didnt know.

    i evole my flying pikachu into raichu (test_2) by mistake i wonder if i can edit it back to pikachu, so i traded it to my platinum rom to have the pkm file checked.

    however my surfing pikachu (test 3) is also not pass the check, it doesnt have any edited.





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