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Posts posted by Beesafree

  1. oh thank you

    ummm one last thing

    what's a hex checker... and could you provide me a link?

    as of right now i lost the usb drive that allows me to access to the files on my micro sd in my flash cart....

    and that is where my events are, i still have every intention to send the people that helped me those files

    just might have to wait a minute =P

  2. Hello, i joined this forum just recently for this purpose, i would appreciate any help anyone can give.

    the legality checker you guys have here is really superb, but i was recently questioned about the accuracy of my checker, the checker provided here.

    the reason being is that the checker found 2 mov9 arceus' as hacks, we went to an outside source to decide the legality of the arceus'. turns out he feels they aren't.... now i know newer pokemon can be out of the checkers reach until a new update, and this is why i come to you guys today/tonight.../morning.

    long story short i ask for your help on a few subjects:

    1. the legality of the arceus', if possible by different programs, with as many opinions as possible. of course you'll get the arceus', i shall post the pkm file here

    2. why the legality checker failed these arceus', if anyone could shine light on this, thank you

    3. learn other ways to do checks, i would like to learn a way to do this manually if possible, and them make decisions of my own, and not trust a checker, no offense.

    one of the arceus' is calm the other: Quiet (and they should be attached if i didn't screw up)

    mov9 arceus Calm.pkm

    mov9 arceus quiet.pkm

    mov9 arceus Calm.pkm

    mov9 arceus quiet.pkm

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