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Posts posted by TheFalconer

  1. Yeah, that's why I'm switching the project over to an original IP. All that really means is a new name (something like Monster Catcher, but not absurdly lame) and a new set of sprites. Gameplay is different enough that it won't infringe on anything Nintendo has patented in relation to Pokémon. I'm keeping the banner Pokémon related for now just so people make the association and better understand the gameplay. If I do get a group of coders behind this I'll very quickly change the site over to reflect the new design. As far as I'm concerned, if the game is in the graphic style of Pokémon, it'll be just like playing a new Pokémon game, and shouldn't take away anything.

  2. It's going to be an approved application. The client will most likely be free, but require a monthly subscription, with an initial period of free play. The game functions by having the player walk around with their phone out, and based on their location inside the US, different Pokémon are spawned. For example, people in California catch different Pokémon than those in New York. The gameplay gets a lot more in depth than that, and is covered extensively on the development blog.

    Also, that's why I'm moving away from the Pokémon label. At heart it will be a Pokémon game, and I'd love nothing more than to have the original Pokémon in my game, but that's just not feasible. An MMO's success is determined by it's community, and if I can't get it approved because of copyright infringement, the potential community is significantly reduced.

    And don't hold your breath for the link. The game's development is on life support right now, and if I can't get coders to help me out, then it's going to die. Not exactly a bright future for it.

  3. In the development blog I toyed around with the idea of a version for the iPod Touch -- it's certainly not out of the question. It would be bastardized in some capacity, since it's lacking GPS and a data connection, but it could certainly be created. Of course, the important thing to keep in mind is that this game has yet to be developed, so first versions to be released are either going to be for Android or iPhone.

  4. I've been developing a massively multiplayer game for the iPhone that is based around Pokémon for the past year, though development has become stagnant recently. I was pointed to this blog as a resource to find developers who may be interested in reviving this project. Serverside coding is well underway, and there's a clientside framework. The skill level needed to code this would require familiarity with Java for the server, and Objective C for the client. Information about the project can be found here.

    When this project was started it was meant to be a translation of the Pokémon game to another media, using the original sprites and name for the project. However, after much deliberation the project has changed to a game that is reminiscent of Pokémon, but different enough in game mechanics that the usage of new sprites would seem natural. The development blog does not reflect this change, as this was determined after the initial coding was complete and the project slowly ground to a halt.

    As for my continued involvement, I now have significantly less time in my schedule than when I initially began this project. I have enough time to retain a position of creative influence and minor coding, perhaps interface design. The person I originally began this project with is still interested in development, so I can put anyone interested in joining the project in contact with him.

    I was pointed to this forum by CodeMonkey85, who specifically mentioned loadingNOW, tsanth, SCV and Sabresite as potential leads, though I'm sure that this is a talented community with more than a few coders. If you have any questions regarding the project feel free to post them, and I'll answer as soon as I can. If you wish to email me, you can reach me at lifeasgonzo@gmail.com.

    Thanks for reading.

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