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  1. Hi! Back when I was a kid I met this German kid during holidays in 2000. He traded me a mew (first one in school!) and a nidoking at level 176. It was awesome and shocking to see back in the days! I'm now trying to somehow recreate my old red save but unfortunately the Cinnamon Glitch dies not work on Spanish versions of the Game. Does someone happen to have Pokémon over level 100 or a savefile with such type of rare Pokémon? Thanks!!
  2. Hi all, I recently found this community and I'm just awed with what you guys built up here. Congrats indeed. I played Pokémon red and gold back in 2000 and later on Esmerald version on emulator cos I didn't get the GBA gifted to me. I stopped playing later versions for some reason and got back with Pokémon Ruby omega, sword (only liked the P2P) and arceus (just got bored in the neverending tutorial). I recently restored my GBC and changed the batteries of my red and gold games which I still own (saves got lost though). Hoping to get to share a lot here. Thanks!
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