Hey everyone! I could use some help here.
Me and some irl friends were having some fun times, with RNG manipulation and battling one day. Everything was running smoothly with no issues. The next day I turned on my gameboy advanced, I was greeted to the message mentioned in the title. It seemingly happened out of nowhere. I will say when we did a 6v6 single battle, the game autosaved and after we left the battle room, I turned the gameboy off immediately. not sure if this had any effect on it, but since it had saved, I didn't think too much of it(Note that we use wireless adapters and we both play Emerald)
Back to the issue, I was a bit devastated that it this came out of the random. I used to get the error of "The save data has been corrupted. The previous save will be loaded" if I did something wrong, but now, it's completely different, since it didn't give me this message now.
Any possible way to recover the save file? At the least, maybe get some of the pokemon off of the game? Would be a shame to lose everything.
Just for reference, I've had Emerald a year after it was released. I got it in 2006 for my birthday and have had it since, so the cartridge is 100% legit. 19 years later, maybe something inside could've caused this, but I'm not sure. Didn't want to tamper with the code in case I might screw something up. I dumped the sav file and the actual .gba save(though I don't think that was needed but did it just in case) through my Wii.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advanced!