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Everything posted by squirtlexxi

  1. Hello, everyone. I'm new here. I use PKHex for 6 months, and I'm very satisfied about it. My question is: When I edit GEN 1 Pokemon (caught in RED BLUE saves), change male or female, change their nature. Their PID and the legality icon stays the same. Can I trust in it, or is it better to not change gender and nature? When I do the same thing on GEN 3, 4 Pokemon they get ILEGAL. The same happens with the GEN 2 Pokemon (caught in GOLD SILVER saves) I edit gender natures and they still legal, with the plus that the encounter saying "egg", but they weren't. PS: I transfered my GEN1 and 2 Pokemon, using Poke Transporter, and I'm edit them in a Ultra Sun save.
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