Yo, this topic brings me back. My friend and I got some Mystery Mews from Toys R Us in Sacramento back when the event happened, which I wanna say was in 2006? It’s been a while. Anyway my friend and I got a couple, I had Emerald and Leaf Green and was able to get 2. Barely used them for the longest time because I wasn’t sure how I would want to distribute their stats and which games I would use them in! Mew was my favorite Pokemon and was obviously one of the most rare back then, so it felt like a tough choice to commit to EV training and wasn’t sure which games I would like to keep them in. Anyway my friend gave me one of his Mews, and I ended up with 3 Mystery Mews, which I passed on to HeartGold and almost 10 years later I finally EV trained one in X/Y, because I liked the Pokemon Amie feature and wanted to use Mew in 3d. I saved the rest in the box and though I got ORAS and Pokemon Moon, I kept the Mews in a PC box in X/Y. Sad thing is, I finally lost the X/Y cartridge and no longer have those legit Mews that I got from the event. It brings me back though, I finally trained one to top potential in XY with ev training, ect and used it as my “main” Pokemon. Just thought I would share that we had 3 legit Mews over the generations and they may still be floating out there somewhere. My friend might have had 1 more in a cartridge but I have no idea if he still has it or not. They may still be out there