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  1. This value doesn't look quite right, oops. Any idea what it should be instead?
  2. I’m sure part of the reason the game is freaking out because it doesn’t know what gender I am and has mismatching flags set for the player’s gender and player sprites in battle. Why that also includes turning into the little boy or little girl NPC sprites upon entering buildings, I don’t know. Opening the summary of one of my pokémon changes the player sprite back to the boy player and riding a bike shows the girl player, but if you don’t take either step after exiting a building before attempting to surf, it makes the game freeze because it doesn’t know what sprite to pull up. Also, turns out I misread my game — I do not in fact have the Natdex, but PKSM is displaying that I’ve seen and caught more Pokémon than what it says in-game. Lastly, I am beginning to realize PKSM’s fragility with editing saves. This isn’t the first time that the software has corrupted the name of something or changed its corresponding trainer ID. It sometimes displays maxed out EV’s as ‘255’ instead of ‘252’ and turned one of my vibravas in emerald into a Bad egg once. A rattata in the same firered rom had its name corrupt into japanese characters and it was simple fix. Today, I had to run a script because my trainer name similarly turned into random hiragana and the trainer id number nearly maxed out.
  3. Possibly corrupted some data values while using PKSM my trainer name + IDs got screwed up, so I ran a script to change it back to the original name and ID numbers. Despite thinking that was the only issue, now when I boot the game my play time is ?60:00 meaning it maxed out for some reason, my trainer sprite changes to NPC sprites when entering/exiting buildings, changes to the girl player when riding a bike + changed my bag to the girl’s bag. Battles now cause freezes. Notably, this all occurred after I set sail to Two Island and my game thinks I have the Natdex even though I recently just beat Blaine and have yet to get my 8th badge or challenge the elite four. Is there any way I can upload my save file and someone could see and fix whatever else got messed up? Or is there a script I could run to clean up the mixed up data and event flags? I feel like I really brought this upon myself even though I’ve never ran any custom code aside from fixing my trainer ID, changing IVs/EVs, or changing the quantity of items in my bag. Thanks in advance, I’m upset that this happened when I’m so close to beating the game for the first time. UPDATE: Fixed! Changed the gender block data value to 0 and the play time to 38 hours. Injected the edits thru godmode9 and the save file is now stable and working
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