Possibly corrupted some data values while using PKSM my trainer name + IDs got screwed up, so I ran a script to change it back to the original name and ID numbers.
Despite thinking that was the only issue, now when I boot the game my play time is ?60:00 meaning it maxed out for some reason, my trainer sprite changes to NPC sprites when entering/exiting buildings, changes to the girl player when riding a bike + changed my bag to the girl’s bag. Battles now cause freezes. Notably, this all occurred after I set sail to Two Island and my game thinks I have the Natdex even though I recently just beat Blaine and have yet to get my 8th badge or challenge the elite four.
Is there any way I can upload my save file and someone could see and fix whatever else got messed up? Or is there a script I could run to clean up the mixed up data and event flags? I feel like I really brought this upon myself even though I’ve never ran any custom code aside from fixing my trainer ID, changing IVs/EVs, or changing the quantity of items in my bag. Thanks in advance, I’m upset that this happened when I’m so close to beating the game for the first time.
UPDATE: Fixed! Changed the gender block data value to 0 and the play time to 38 hours. Injected the edits thru godmode9 and the save file is now stable and working