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  1. Hi everyone! First time request and poster here. I love colosseum hunting (shocking, I know). I started a ribbon master shiny cyndaquil awhile back, and I'd like to shiny hunt the other 2 starters in the endgame with master ball available. I've investigated save file editing with colosseum, and searching for preexisting colosseum saves, but the issue is that none are specifically made for shiny hunting and typically have most pokemon caught. Could anyone create a save for me to hunt 1.) Croconaw and 2.) Bayleef? I would prefer an OT of Marcus, but it's not required by any means. Second edit: I figure it would be easiest to hunt them in the snagem hideout- I've tried to edit save progress in colosseum before, but never found any guides or options for it in any save editor, only options to edit already caught pokemon. Thank you!
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