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Pkmn Ranger Baba

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Everything posted by Pkmn Ranger Baba

  1. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me get started modifying a 3DS console?
  2. Howdy, I joined hoping to find ways of playing Pokémon games like emulators and talking about my experiences with Pokémon on the Nintendo! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My favorite generation to play was Crystal, and I really like X/Y. I did not finish playing Sun and have not played any new main line games since. I thought it was super cool to get experience catching Pokémon and being able to change our fashion in Gen6! Much like how girls could pick a sprite in Crystal it was cool to have more options and choices. I appreciated how fun it was to roller-skate around, and use the Eon Flute in OR/AS. I think the Eon Flute might be the best feature in a Pokémon game! My favorite Starters are: Squirtle, Totodile, Treeco, TURTWIG, Oshwhatt, Chespin. I picked Rowlett in Sun to support the Grass/Ghost typing! I would be a Grass-Water Gym and my featured team would be: Sceptile, Wailmer, Corsola, Blastoise, Jumpluff & my legendary pick would be Volcanion. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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