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  1. Thank you. I guess I'll just have to collect them little by little...
  2. Sorry. I was translating and looking at this page, so I overlooked it. I understand about the plugin. It's complicated in a lot of ways...
  3. If possible, something like this would be ideal.
  4. Thank you. Ideally, I would like to have a save data with the gifts already imported, but I guess that's hard to find...
  5. ありがとうございます。動画についてですが、仰る通り自分は出来たので変える必要はないとは思うのですが、少し見づらいと思うぐらいなのでそうした方がいいんじゃないかといった感じです。 プラグインについてですが、しばらくしたら言語が変わりました失礼しました。 意図が伝わらずすいません。画像のようにエラーが出たポケモンを右クリックから直接編集して正規化する事は可能でしょうか? 逆転送できるのを知りませんでした。英語があまり得意でないのでそのリンクからは見つけられなかったのですが、どこかに書かれているでしょうか? 不具合の報告については了解しました。ありがとうございます。 重ねてのリクエストになってしまって申し訳ないのですが、legalize active pokemonでエンカウントと性格値が一致しないと出たポケモンを修正すると、自動的に親などの情報がPKHEXに上書きされてしまうのですが、なるべく情報をそのままにして、エンカウントや性格値などだけを変更できるようにする事は可能でしょうか?
  6. I'm a fan of Pokemon up to the sixth generation, but is there any data that completes all the mysterious gifts etc. up to that point? There might be some for the latest games, but they're old games so I don't know. Does anyone know?
  7. I really appreciate the video that explains the installation, but the tempo is a little fast and I miss things. Could you make it a video that can be stopped and rewound like a normal video? Also, I installed a plugin, but is there a way to change the language? (Japanese, etc.) Also, I select the tool from the reference and normalize it with legalize active pokemon, but can't I select it directly from the reference? Is it possible to copy the Pokemon I sent to UMSM and send them to a previous work in a pseudo manner? Also, when editing the save of BW, I would like you to fix the fact that some parts remain in English even when Japanese is selected. This is for editing the mysterious gift database and SAV. Also, it is difficult to understand that the event flag of the legendary Pokemon is not whether it has been caught but whether it has been battled, so I would like it to be separated by whether it has been caught. Also, I haven't progressed that far in the story, but it says that I have to battle Reshiram/Zekrom, is this a bug? Sorry for asking so many things. If it's convenient for you, please let me know.
  8. Nice to meet you! Thank you for developing such a useful tool! I have a request. The gift database has a strange card date, and the date the Pokemon was received is also strange. Could you fix that? https://wiki.xn--rckteqa2e.com/wiki/カテゴリ:配布ポケモン一覧 Another thing is, is it possible to narrow down the Pokemon I want to receive from the database by the language I want to receive them in, such as English or Japanese? If there is an opportunity, I would appreciate it.
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