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Dareka_ last won the day on August 12 2024

Dareka_ had the most liked content!


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  1. I've been thinking about this idea for a few months and I can't stop doing it, how nice it would be to have an app on your mobile that's a mixture of Pokémon Home, Pokéwalker and Tamagotchi. An app for those who play pokemon on their phone as an emulator, which can read the save files of various games like PKHeX(no pokémon editing) and allows you to transfer pokémon from the Box of your game to the Box on the app so that you have them all in one place. That it can work with all the games that allow you to transfer them like Colosseum and maybe it can also read the emulator save files for GameBoy. Other interesting features might be: -The ability to choose a pokémon as your favorite and have a feature like Tamagotchi where you can take care of your pokémon and maybe have a widget screen where to see its status. -The function of connecting to a fitness app to track the movement you do during the day and maybe give some xp every 100 steps (not making it op, so to give you the opportunity to use that pokémon without having the feeling of cheating) and maybe take advantage of this feature for the egg hatching. -Online features like the possibility to have friends and to be able to see what pokémon they have and maybe even to challenge them in some PVP matches. I'm not a developer and i know nothing about coding so I have no idea how hard it is to do something like that but in my opinion it would be a dream to have something like that Not related- Sorry if something is written wrong, it's the first time I've written something like that, moreover English is not my first language and I hope I haven't made too many mistakes. Thank you for your time
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