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Posts posted by Blastoise

  1. Hehe. Overlooked 0x85h:eek: So the only difference between legit pokemon & pokesav pokemon is the seal coordinates. If you set the seal coordinates to what my chimchar has (no seals), then there is no way to tell if its legit or not:creep: Thanks everyone =)

  2. Wait a minute. The only thing wrong with .pkm 235-byte from pokesav (byte-by-byte comarison) is the footer and the checksum. The encrypted bytes remain the same. If pokesav got the checksum wrong, how does it encrypt the bytes right? :confused:

    The encryption algorithm is using the checksum as a seed for the prng. Then it xor's the prng output with the bytes to be encrypted.

  3. Thanks for that GTS tip. I normally do my programming in c (going to learn fltk for gui's). Which way do I truncate (most signifigant digets first)? Is the checksum made using encrypted, or unencrypted bytes? Thanks to anyone who posts/helps.:grog:

    P.S. If you do program in c, how do you find the size of a binary file?

  4. According to http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_NDS_Structure,the bytes 0x06 & 0x07 are used for the checksum. Along with the footer, pokesav seems to get these bytes wrong. I need someone to give me a more in-depth algorithm for the checksum. This is the one provided on the link:

    The checksum is calculated in three steps:

    1. Split the unencrypted data from offsets 0x08 to 0x87 into two-byte words,

    2. Take the sum of the words, and

    3. Truncate the sum to 16 bits.

    On step 2, what do you meen by the sum of the words? Is it the sum of the values of the words.

    On step 3, I learned from school that truncate means to cut the size of the numbers after the decimal (rounding).

    eg. 16.634 truncate 2 = 16.63

    Does this version of truncate mean only save the most signifigant digets?

    I am planning to make a small program that will take a pokesav *.pkm, and fix it so it is byte-for-byte perfect. Sorry, don't have time to test it myself, and probably won't be able to go back online for a few days. Thanks to anyone who answers :bidoof:

  5. Sabresite (and any other hobby programmers), you should include this your pkm generators.

    The commenly missed legility variable in most pokesaved pokemon is the steps until hatched. I was testing the pid <-->id generater, using a legit chimchar from the game, and I found that the steps until hatch was set at 69, even though the "is egg" was not checked. Don't have time to check this with other pokemon, but I suspect it would be the same. Cheers:grog:

  6. I would like a legal Riolu egg that looks like it came from Riley, and is valid as possible. If you need to edit anything to make it more valid, goahead and do so.:grog:

    Pokemon Species: Riolu (egg)

    Held Item: -

    Level: -

    Ability: steadfast (class 1)


    Quick Attack 30/30

    Foresight 40/40

    Endure 10/10

    Nickname (If wanted): I thing this has to be EGG

    Trainer ID (If specific): Anything

    Secret ID (If specific): Anything

    Shiny (Yes or No): No

    Egg (Yes or No): Yes

    Nature: Modest (should be compatible with IV's)

    Pokérus Status: never infected

    Pokéball Captured In: -

    EV Stats:

    HP: 20 SPEED: 21

    ATT: 26 Sp.ATT: 23

    DEF: 15 Sp.DEF: 13

    IV Stats: -

    Ribbons (If any): -

    Location/Date Met: Location met: Riley Date met: 2009, 04, 01

    Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Not Hatched

    steps left (x256): 25

    Game: Platinum

    PM/Post party .pkm file.

    Legal as possible.

  7. First post, YAY!

    I would like some help making a legit egg. I am making the egg for pokemon platinum. The egg is a Riolu, and I'm trying to make it look like that it came from Riley. I can make legit looking pokemon fine, but the egg isn't working. The problem is that the egg keeps saying its from Lovely Place or Mystery Zone.:confused: Look at the attachment. I left the original pkm file on another computer, so I recreated it, but it should be the same.



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