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  1. Thank you for your reply. I cannot use pkhex on my switch. I am not tech savy and I cannot take the risk of damaging my switch. I just want the sneasel to have my OT. I do not want to use it outside of PLA. I hope that someone can help me with my request.
  2. Hi I am struggling with a certain pokemon and I am hopping that someone can help me generate it from Pokemon Legends Arceus. The details are below. Species: Sneasel (Johto Form) (Alpha) Name: Sneasel Gender: Female LVL 68 OT: Sonic ID: 325492 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Shadow Ball - Blizzard - Sword Dance - Poison Jab
  3. Hi Everyone, I have been recreating my old teams from the Gen 1 and 2 physical cartridges. I have hit a roadblock with the Japanese version of Pokemon Green and Blue. I just need for them to have the virtual console symbole when we check them on Home. I would like to know if someone could recreate these teams and send them to me on Pokemon Home. I hope that someone can help me with this. Here are the details: Green Team: Pidgeot Name: ピジョット LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised242 Moves: - Fly - Sky Attack - Swift - Quick Attack Persian Name: ペルシアン LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Slash - Hyper Beam - Body Slam - Bubble Beam Dugtrio Name: ダグトリオ LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Earthquake - Slash - Dig - Rock Slide Chansey Name: ラッキー LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Thunderbolt - Psychic - Thunderwave - Strength Muk Name: ベトベトン LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Sludge - Mega Drain - Body Slam - Toxic Seadra Name: シードラ LVL 100 OT: グリーン ID: 48242 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Surf - Ice Beam - Hydro Pump - SmokeScreen Blue Team: Hypno Name: スリーパー LVL 100 OT: ブルー ID: 13091 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Psychic - Tri Attack - Flash - Hypnosis Poliwrath Name: ニョロボン LVL 100 OT: ブルー ID: 13091 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Surf - Submission - Hypnosis - Strength Farfetch’d Name: アッカ LVL 100 OT: トレーナ ID: 23810 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Fly - Slash - Body Slam - Cut Tentacruel Name: ドククラゲ LVL 100 OT: ブルー ID: 13091 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Surf - Ice Beam - Wrap - Acid Marowak Name: ガラガラ LVL 100 OT: ブルー ID: 13091 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Moves: - Earthquake - Bonemerang - Bone Club - Hyper Beam Ditto Name: メタモン LVL 100 OT: ブルー ID: 13091 IV: Randomised EV: Randomised Move: - Transform
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