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Mew1511993 last won the day on January 31 2024

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  1. I'm in the rather frustrating grind of getting the final Ribbon I need for my Ribbon Master Mew. Sadly this Ribbon is likely one of, if not the most Aggrivating Ribbons I've tried to get. The Twinkling Star Ribbon from BDSP's Contests At this point from what I've seen this will imply me Grinding the Champion Dozens of time just to get Stickers for a Chance at getting it. So I'm honestly just wanting to know if I gave my Mew the Ribbon would it be counted as Legal? Is there somthing else that it needs for the Ribbon to be legit...or can it just have the ribbon?
  2. So I'm trying to Gen a Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi to bring up. I got a PID for it that matched up with the one RNG reporter gave me. It has the IVs, Nature, TID/SID The PID made it match up....but it still says Encounter PID mismatch? I used the Method 1 Reverse PID and a seed HEX from the Jirachi generation add on. Anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
  3. HOLY CRAP I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!! On PKSM the PID is put in backwards!! I put in the PID in reverse and now it's Legal!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
  4. Yeah somthing, I don't get it. I changed the Stats, Nature, and original TID/SID to use the ones the RNG reporter said....but when I put in the PID it changed the Nature and Shininess....weird. Could it be because it was an already existing pokemon? (Edit Nope made a completely new Mew and it still won't work....I don't get it...The PID worked in the rom....why not in PKSM?
  5. Thank you for the help! I'll get to looking through this. That being said Do you have an idea why PKSM wouldn't accept the PID from the Japanese Mew?
  6. Apologise it was late. And Yes I want my Mew to be my own. What I want to do is get this Mew from the Japanese Rom into Real Hardware so I can get it upto Scarlet and Violet. Since I don't know how to get it out of the ROM I planned to recreate it on PKSM so it would be identical. But to my frustration the PID won't match up, I found a PID for the Mew I wanted and gave the Mew in PKSM the same Language, IV's, and TID/SID that match the PID I found....but when I put in the PID it keeps changing the Nature and Shininess. I don't know what to do. Plus it keeps saying "Invalid: encounter type PID mismatched" My guess is I'm using the wrong Encounter Type with is why the PID is not matching up. But that doesn't make sense since my Japanese Mew on the ROM is Legal and uses the same PID I'm trying to give to the Mew on PKSM.
  7. PK3? You'll have to forgive me I'm new to all this. But I'm willing to learn.
  8. This one "F6FEB72E"...the weird thing is this is on a Mew I hunted using RNG manipulation and on PKHeX it went legal no problem. (Cause it was caught on a Japanese ROM of Emerald.) Recreating that Mew on PKSM is when it started being difficult. The only reason I'm doing it in PKSM is because I can't figure out how to get This Mew from PKHeX to PKSM so I can get it into my Ultra Moon copy. And then upto Violet. Perhaps you may have a suggestion.
  9. I've been trying to Legalize a Shiny Quirky Faraway Mew from Emerald. On PKSM I put in my TID and Secret ID into RNG reporter to look for a Shiny Frame with the Nature I want. Found one and put in the PID, IVs, and Nature. But when I put in the PID it puts the Nature and Shininess on somthing else!? I've tried multiple methods but none of them work. It's also giving me the Error "Invalid: Encounter Type PID Mismatch." I could really use some help
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