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Posts posted by lmbosma2010

  1. Hello! I don't have an eReader so i wanted to ask here- Did anyone print out eReader cards from im a blisy ._. and download the legendary encounters he created as "DLC"? I spefically want to shiny hunt the Channel Jirachi he made as it's legal and transfer it up before BANK shuts down in April. I'm looking for a save file with an un-caught Jirachi event on it so I can upload it to my R4 card and play it on my hard copy of RSE (I have all 3). Let me knoe if you can help, thanks!!

  2. Hello! My computer dumped my files recently and im struggling to find what I lost: I had PKHEX applications for my Crystal and Platinum games, but they’re gone now. Not the save files, but the PkHex editing software applications that used to live on my desktop.

    I went to the PKHEX download page but the “backlog” drop down bar only went back as far as 2021 (with PkHex applications for SwSh onward titles)

    Where do I find the OLD PkHex downloads (for Gen2 & Gen4)? Not the save files, but the actual editing applications to download?

    Thanks for the help!!

  3. Hi, everyone! I have a question.

    I recently modded my Switch and have been using pkhex for two days (cloning shinies I caught and placing them into other games of mine to complete a living shiny dex in all my games eventually). So my question is- If I caught a shiny in LGPE and already sent it to SwSh using home... could I open both files at once on my computer and drag and drop the shiny from SwSh back to LGPE?

    Outwardly, I know the answer is no, I tried it and got the "attempted to load an unsupported file type size" error.

    But I was hoping there is a way for me to recompress the shiny to a LGPE format again (I just don't know how).

    Any advice? Or a lost cause? Thanks for the help with my silly question! - Lauren

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