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Psalm 30_5

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  1. Is there a way to edit a Pokemon's PID with this program? I may be missing it, I only see an option to copy the PID.
  2. I don’t mean to resurrect a dead thread, but I also did not want to make the mistake to create a new one. I have followed all the steps laid out by @Kaphotics using a TID of 54807 and a SID of 20785. The formula on Linqpad spit out 3927033709, which equates to the seed EA11C76D. I’ve tried adding that to my profile in PokeFinder and filling in the seed slot in RNG Reporter with the appropriate TID and SID. I’ve gone as far as to check 14 frames and have not managed to get one valid check for Umbreon. I’m struggling to understand where the ball may be dropped.
  3. I've only learned the most basic way of generating wild legal mons in Gen 3 (Using PokeFinder to generate legal IV spreads according to your PID and SID). However now I'd like to move onto eggs. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out good spreads for the Egg (Wynaut) you obtain in Lavaridge town. What method would I go about trying to find possible spreads? I opened the Egg function of PokeFinder but it seems that it is assuming you're using the Daycare, which I'm not and don't plan to at the moment.
  4. Bump? Any thoughts, any help please?
  5. So there is this topic here: Injecting Gen III Event Pokemon: IVs and Nature Editing - Saves - Editing Help - Project Pokemon Forums Which is pretty similar to my inquire, but I believe the topic is outdated so I wanted to make a post myself. I'm save editing event Pokemon (Jirachi, Deoxys, so on) onto some Gen 3 games using PKHex. Thankfully the process is less complicated due to some save files others have compiled provided on the internet. Unfortunately the Gen 3 Event Legality Checker doesn't run on my computer (may be outdated? broken?) but I'm interested in trying to find out what possible IV's and natures some of these Pokemon can have legally. I don't know if there's a specific formula I can use with something such as, say, PokeFinder, but if anyone has any solutions or programs I may not know about, I would be sincerely grateful.
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