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Posts posted by nxi

  1. strange, i just hyper trained them as far as i can remember, unless i for some reason changed the ivs and then hyper trained them? how would i fix it though? should i just pick one from the encounter table and copy the pid, ec and ivs? ive also made other max lair mons shiny, which changes the pid i believe but they still appear as legal so im confused

  2. hello, some of my pokemon (specifically max lair legendaries) appear as illegal in version 20230916. prior to this update i used 20230709 with no issues, and it doesnt seem like its really illegal either? it has a ! symbol and says "unable to match an encounter from origin game," but hovering over the pokemon doesnt say "invalid" on the encounter type.

    see here:


    additionally, (this also happens in pokemon scarlet) an alolan raichu has the same issue however hovering over it says the encounter type is invalid. it was hatched from an egg, again, no issues in 20230709, and both the alolan raichu and max lair legendaries have been used online and even traded back and forth with no error messages. 

    i believe this to be an error, and i don't think that the pokemon are truly illegal, but any clarfication on this would be appreciated, thanks

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