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Posts posted by FishCybil

  1. On 8/24/2021 at 7:43 AM, Poke J said:

    Same as the met date, the level is updated when transferred to gen 4 and then again when transferred to gen 5. The new met level will be the Pokémon’s current level. Also here is a small tidbit about Pokémon hatched in gen 4. The date and location the egg was obtained does not update or change upon being being transferred to gen 5.

    On 8/24/2021 at 9:11 AM, Poke J said:

    There is no different code there is just one met date in the Pokémon structure . It is overwritten nothing of the original remains. I’ve heard other users speculate there is secret old remnant data left over in transfers, but no that just uses up memory and is useless. Anything not needed during transfer or gets updates that data is just gone. Also you keep mentioning Poke Bank, but Poke Bank does nothing to the met date unless it’s a transfer from a virtual counsel game. Gen 5 is the last time met dates get modified.

    Excuse me, what will happen to the egg obtained date and link trade date if I tansfer it(gen4) to gen6? How will the date change?

  2. The thing is, I just found it's free to select all of the balls in G9 except for master ball. Based on that, it means the ball is inherited from the pre gen (Manaphy). Does that indicates Manaphy is actully available in SV in a way?


  3. Hi fellows,I'm trying to make a sw/sh pokémon with misty mark.

    It's cool when I made a regular swirlix.However,something's wrong after I chose the place Giant’s Mirror(According to wiki,the pokémon appear in fog may have the misty mark,and swirlix would appear in Giant's Mirror only in fog).Everything else is fine except for the meet location xp.



    It seems like the pokémon only appear in a specific location during particular weather cannot be created in a normal way.I'd be greatly appreciate if anyone could help my out 🥰


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