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Posts posted by rsinha

  1. Do you mind posting a screenshot of you running the command and the file it gives you? You should download the .exe, not the necessarily the zip file. If the system cannot find the specified file it might be that you're terminal is not in the correct directory when you run the command. You have to use a terminal command to "cd" into the correct directory beforehand.

    Edit: At some point I do want to make a graphical program that can just be double-clicked instead of using terminal :P

  2. Yeah no worries. Start by just getting a vanilla rom of almia (google is your friend). Once you have that, go to the github link above and click on the "Releases" section on the right. From there, just click on the most recent release (as of this post, its v2023.10.25.1), and download the program. If you have a windows computer, download the .exe folder. Then, make sure the randomizer and the rom are in the same directory. Then in a terminal (like cmd on Windows), navigate to the directory and do "./ranger_randomizer.exe <name of rom> randomized.nds". That will spit out a new, randomized rom named randomized.nds that can be played with any NDS emu.

    If these steps are hard to follow lmk and we can arrange something else so that you can get a randomized rom.

  3. I've made a tool that randomizes Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. The game is randomized in such a way that prevents softlocks (i.e. doesn't get rid of necessary field moves to progress in the game). The tool can be found on Github: https://github.com/ronitsinha/almia-randomizer.

    I'd like to shoutout Aurum's work on AlmiaE, which I referenced heavily in the development of this tool.

    Let me know your thoughts!


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