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Everything posted by Travel_Alberta

  1. I just came back from a trip to Japan where I purchased a Japanese Pokemon Red cart from a random department store in Utsunomiya that had a section on the top floor that sold new and used games. Not only was I surprised to find that the battery worked fine, but that there was an extensive save file on the cart. The trainer named Satoshi (サトシ) had roughly 35 hours played had all eight badges, 80/151 pokemon registered in the pokedex, and had multiple level 30-50+ pokemon. What caught my attention however was a level 57 Mew. The Mew's OT is ピーチ (Peach) which made me think there was a possibility this mew was not hacked. I cross-referenced Gen 1 events and found that the only event where you could get a Mew with the OT ピーチ was the Space World 97' event. Is there any way to verify that this is actually a Space World 97' Mew? I have attached pictures of the Mew's summary and movepool.
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