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Everything posted by BrysonStrife

  1. Jeez I understand, but yet again another good fangame, is gone... I hope one day you make a new story game you can be proud of cause this was definitely a cool rendition of the Explorers of Sky story. I can't do it cause I am terrible at coding, but if someone took your idea and just copied the first half and did their own for the second half would you be okay with that? Again this is hypothetical I can't code for the life of me so I am just asking, cause this was such a cool from hack
  2. Oh I see but honestly, I can't wait to see what you have to add to the "And More..." section, many minor updates are good for example Changing the Main Title when you defeat Team Skull from Manectric to Skuntank Adding Amp Plains to the Job Notice Board and many more I hope to see in the future
  3. oh the Minor Update? I hope it will go up to a bit past the ending of Chapter 12
  4. So might I ask since I didnt know when you last posed this... whats the estimated time of the next Update? Like how long just thought I'd ask since I loved the game so much
  5. Why!!? Why Did the End of the Demo give me so much Feelings! But I am so excited to see what the next Update will be or when it will be to know what Happens next! But in all seriousness this is a great ROm hack and a Great Story and does a lot of "What If" Moments to the Game I always wanted to ask and refuse the exploration of the Team Making It also reminds me of the Fugitives mini Plot in Blue and Red Rescue Team which I love a lot, Please keep at it and I hope you add a Community Discord where we can keep an eye on some Updates you have for the Future of this Game! So Excited and So Hype
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