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  1. Sadly i don't really get it besides the whole process that was described at the cute charm glitch guides but i don't get how i can find out if an existing SID/TID combo is valid. Maybe i just approach it the wrong way. I really don't know. But thank you anyways
  2. Thank you. Yeah that would also be a pretty interesting thing to know. Because if there are certain combinations that are impossible to get then it would be suspicious if i had exact these values for my TID/SID. That's true.
  3. Hello everyone, i just have a question that i was wondering about for quite a while. Since it is possible to change the SID and TID of a save file (p.e. a save file from HGSS), will the Pokemon i catch afterwards on this save file be counted as cheated or illegal mon by The Pokemon Company, Game Freak and the likes? Because technically i caught them on an altered save file. But the mons are otherwise obtained on a legal way. Was just wondering about this. If there is a difference in the legality between these types of Pokemon and the ones on a regular save file and stuff like this. Would be pretty interesting to know. Thanks in advance. (Sorry if my grammar is poor. Sadly english is not my first language.)
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